Part Six

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You and Taehyung arrived at a restaurant near the house. Since you still haven't gone grocery shopping you were stuck eating out for breakfast.

When you walked in people stopped talking and just stared at you and Tae. At first you were embarrassed then you realized why they were staring and got annoyed and was about to say something to them when Taehyung grabbed your arm scared of the people staring. "Maybe we should just go they-" "Shut up." You said interrupting his sentence and grabbing his hand as you led him to a booth in the corner of the room with Taehyung sitting across from you. People eventually stopped staring after some glares from you and continued eating. Finally someone came to take your order. You ordered an omelet with ham in it. The waitress was about to leave when you stopped her. "Um excuse me don't you see him right there." She turned around and rolled her eyes while looking at Taehyung. It took everything in you to not jump over the table and whoop her ass. "Right the dog, we got some treats in the back. Or do you prefer dog food? We can mix some meet in it if you want." That was it. That was the last straw. You already planned how you were gonna whoop her ass and now it was time. You stood up from your seat about to jump over the table when you noticed a familiar face and stopped you in you tracks. "Jimin?" He seemed pissed off but replied to you anyway. "Yeah hey." He looked at the woman and glared at her. "Treats?! Dog food?! Who the fuck do you think you are?! That was some disrespectful messed up shit! Do you see him walking on four legs! HUH!?!" The waitress looked like she was about to piss her pants. Good. "N-no." At this point everyone stopped eating and stared at the commotion. Even the workers. "Do you think just because he part dog he doesn't have feelings?! You know what where the FUCK IS YOUR MANEGER!?!" "I-I'm sorry y-you d-don't need to g-get him." You smiled and looked at Taehyung. "What do you want to eat Tae?" He looked at you surprised at your cool expression. "Um I-I'll have the same as you." Your smile turned into a frown as you glared at the waitress. "You heard him." She looked a Jimin and then ran away fleeing for her life. 

"Wow thanks Jimin I guess I owe you again." "No you don't it's cool. God ignorant people like that should go die in a hole." Just then you noticed someone behind Jimin. He is taller than Jimin with purple hair. And he was a hybrid? You didn't see a tail but you did see his fluffy grey ears. He also had a collar on. He saw that you noticed and tried to hide behind Jimin. Jimin was to busy examining Taehyung to pay any attention to his hybrid companion. You noticed you haven't introduced Tae yet. "Oh Jimin this is Taehyung, Taehyung this is Jimin my friend." Jimin looked at you and then at Taehyung. "Oh right yeah, nice to meet you Taehyung. This Namjoon, Namjoon this is Y/N." Jimin looked at Namjoon expectedly. "H-hi." Although Namjoon didn't seem like the type of person to be shy, he was. Jimin sat next to Taehyung wrapping his arm around Tae's shoulder. Tae looked uncomfortable but didn't say anything so you left them alone. "Did you want me to call the waitress back so you can order food too?" You said looking at Jimin. "Oh no me and Namjoon already ordered I'll just tell my waiter to bring my food here." You looked over at Namjoon standing awkwardly beside your booth. "Aren't you gonna sit down?" You and Jimin said in sync as both of you pointed to the seat beside you. He looked at Taehyung but Taehyung wasn't paying attention to Namjoon. He looked at the seat. Then as if he made up his mind he sat down beside. As soon as he sat down Taehyung looked over and started growling.

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