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When David woke up, everything around him was silent. There were no sounds of the oven from Quartermaster. There was no laughter coming from outside the counselor's cabin. Even the birds seemed quiet. David didn't like it at all. He wanted the campers back and to be causing mischief and having fun with one another. David just wanted summer to last forever. He looked over at Gwen's desk and saw her packing up her items. David did have one thing to look forward to; Gwen was moving in with him. He was surprised that she was willing to move from Tennesse to Vermont, but he was happy nonetheless. He only had a tiny apartment, but the two of them could manage. It didn't take long for the two of them to pack everything into the camp-mobile, and before he knew it, they were driving away. David looked back one last time as he said goodbye to Camp Campbell in his head. 

To David, he wasn't just saying goodbye to the camp itself. He was also saying goodbye to the memories that happened there. He loved all of them, but the one that stuck with him the most was Parent's Day. David really didn't want to choose favorites, but he couldn't help himself from favoring Max. But David also couldn't help but feel bad for him. Not only did his parents not show up to Parents' Day, but they also didn't even choose a camp for Max. It really did seem like they just dropped him off so they didn't have to deal with him. They weren't even the ones to pick him up. By the way that Mia phrased it, it seemed that they didn't even intend to pick him up. Not to mention the fact that Max is being fostered. It really makes David curious about Max's life. What he has been through, what he is going through, and especially why he didn't tell somebody. David thinks that maybe Max didn't want the extra attention, but that can't be all. 

When Max woke up, he was being vigorously shaken by Ivy. "God damn Ivy!" Max said as he pushed her off of him. "At least let me have coffee before you give me a concussion" Max sat up and yawned as Bo said, "No way! Not when you have so much to tell us!" Hya added in, "Mia filled us in on everything except the counselors." James said, "What's this?" Max looked over to see James picking up his bag. He is pointing to the side pocket that has a piece of paper sticking out of it. Max doesn't recall putting that there so he gets up to look at it. The only thing on the paper is a phone number and an address. "There's something on the back," Mia says. Max flips the paper over to see words written on it that say ' :) Stay safe! Please behave! - David (Camp Man) '. Bo then almost screams, "Woaah! It must be a check or something cause it made Max smile!" Max's smile falls and the others slightly chuckle. Max then hears from behind him, "Who's David?" Max turns around to see Lilac on top of the bookshelf, swinging her legs. 

Before Max can respond, Mia stands to grab Lilac and says, "David is the nice counselor that I met. He-" "The one on the phone?" Ivy interrupts. Mia says, "No, that's Gwen, the other one. David is the one that gave Max a hug." Max interrupted, "I couldn't control that he hugged me!" Mia smirks and says, "He asked and you let him! Though, he did seem, like, annoyingly happy. There is no way that he was that happy all summer though. I would have killed myself if he was. If he-" Max interrupted, "You want me to tell the story?" "Right, right. Go ahead." Mia says as Max looks around to see the six of them waiting for him to tell the story. Max quickly tries to come up with an excuse and says, "What about-" Hya cut him off and said, "They already left for work. Chores are already done, even yours. Just spill the beans already!" 

Max sighs and starts, "Well, first is Gwen, she was the one on the phone. She is someone that I could complain about life to. Her life sucks too so we got along well enough. She cared which I guess is enough. But then there's David. God, he sucked! But, he didn't. It's strange. He was annoying for sure. But no matter what I did, he still said that he was proud of me. I would try to run away, prank him, and even tried to break him but nothing worked! He would always just try to help me. I guess it was his way to torture me because it just made me want him to... I guess not to die? There would be times went I want to help him and I have no idea why. Both of them were probably just trying to get me to feel bad so that it would hurt more when we had to leave." Lilac awws while Mia groans and then says, "Could you chill your philophobia for once!" Max sighs and says, "I don't have philophobia! God, how many times do I have to say it!" Hyacinth then says, "Oh, of course. You're right. You have pistanthrophobia." Everyone but Max chuckles but then the sound of the front door echoes throughout the small apartment. A moment passes and all of them are silent. Then, a booming voice rings out and says, "MAXWELL! COME HERE, NOW!" 

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