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1. The peaceful state of mind after a pleasant dream.
"jaehyun, a word." johnny interrupts the joyful conversation of the group.

jaehyun quickly gets up, not forgetting to give taeyong a soft squeeze, assuring him that he would be right back. he follows johnny into the pale white hallway once again, waiting for him to say the words for him to snap just like all the times previous.

"you and taeyong need to get the hell out of seoul, now. during the raid, taeyong's father was let out by kim baem and taeyong is the first thing he's coming for.  and he's well- you know what's waiting for you." johnny says, knowing the impending situation that they were about to enter.

"fuck! i swear to god, everyone has got me seconds away from shooting ten rounds into somebody's head. the others, everyone needs to leave." jaehyun responds, his brain immediately being filled with logistics of what the hell they were going to do.

"the house clearly isn't safe now that it's been breached. they could've put bombs anywhere, i'm not putting anyone back in there until it's checked top to bottom. taeyong and i will leave the country, the rest of you go to the penthouse safe house. they won't pull anything in such a public area. they couldn't if they tried. and especially since they know i wouldn't put taeyong in such a public and accessible place, it's him and i they want, they won't attack anyone at the penthouse. no one leaves, except you and taeil to make sure haechan's okay and jeno and another member for jaemin while they are in the hospital. no one leaves alone or unarmed." jaehyun orders, waiting for johnny to agree to his plans.

"you can't leave the country, the airport is the first place that kim baem and lee taehyung are going to be. go to the cabin, nobody will suspect it, and only you and i know about it. we all lay low until we can make a plan and haechan and jaemin are well since none of us can focus in this state. you need to recover, rest, and so do the rest of us. tonight was rough, we need to be prepared physically before we retaliate." johnny agrees to the plan, knowing he would take care of the team, seeing his brother in such an unhealthy state.

"you're right, they're expecting us to retaliate in anger, sparking the war. send everyone back to the penthouse, they're safer together and it's been a long night. i'll call bodyguards for jaemin and haechan when you guys aren't here. you call housekeeping, make sure everything is ready for when they get there. everyone needs to recover and then i swear to god, i'll take minjae's head off myself. but we have to build strength." jaehyun nods, reaching into his suit jacket to retrieve his cellphone, the calls for arrangements commencing.

"i already called for a new car, you need to leave now. and kim baem will trace our cars from here and follow you to the cabin house, please at least try to subtle." johnny laughs, knowing that subtlety was never jaehyun's strong suit.

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