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When Pope picked me up, I told him all about what happened. He was surprised, just as much as I was, but he had his own beef with the Kooks. I got back to the Chateau still in a slight, unwavering state of shock. I wasn't sure what to make of Rafe Cameron's threat... was it even a threat? I was confused about what had brought on the hostile energy but chalked it up to him being a stuck up rich pig with no regard for anyone else.

With my board put away and the boat tied up, Pope and I went inside. I made a bee-line for my room so I could put on a sweatshirt. I didn't want anyone knowing Rafe had laid a hand on me, it would cause more problems than it would solve. I even left out that part to Pope, simply telling him about the verbal aspect of Rafe and I's dispute. I covered my slightly swollen wrist and went back out to everyone.

John B., back from his meeting, looked at me with confusion. "I was cold," I shrugged, grabbing a chip from the open bag on the counter and popping it into my mouth to stop me from saying anything stupid. "Tell them what you told me," Pope said, and I nodded, remembering our conversation.

"I had my surf lesson today, right? Well, the group was a whole flock of Kooks. Topper, Kelce, Sarah, Wheezie, and Rafe," I said cringing at the last name I said. "That's bad luck, kid," JJ said, and I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, that's not even the worst part. He basically threatened me afterward, called me trash and stuff," I said, eating another chip and trying to sound nonchalant. 

This clearly wasn't passing off well though, and I noticed this by looking at everyone's faces briefly. Surprise, anger, and disgust all laced my friend's faces, but I looked down and ate yet another chip. "I'll fucking kick his ass," JJ said, and I could tell he was going to get angry. "What else did he say?" Kie asked, and I shrugged, "He said you guys were a 'bad crowd' and that it was fine that I was friends with you because trash belonged with trash. He got mad so easily, but I thought it was just because I had rejected him."

"Woah, rejected him?" John B. asked with a laugh. "Yeah, at first he kinda seemed like he was hitting on me, but I shut that down pretty fast. I just acted super uninterested until he went away," I chuckled. "And did he? You know, go away?" JJ said, arms crossed. He seemed to be the only one not finding any humor in this story. "Well, the lesson had to start so technically I was the one to go away," I said, making eye contact with him for what felt like way too long.

"He came up to me after the lesson and reminded me of what he said before. Then he called me worthless," I mentioned, hoping it was something I could brush off, but I found it hurting my feelings slightly. I wasn't about to cry over it or anything, but it sucked having someone who, by definition, was better than you telling you that you're worthless.

"What a dick," John B. said, and I nodded. "I wish we could put those stupid Kook assholes in their place," Kie said. Pope cleared his throat at this and finally rejoined the conversation. "Y'know, technically speaking, you're a Koo-"

𝕓𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕕-𝕤𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕕 (JJ)Where stories live. Discover now