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Win was on his way to school as usual, dressed in his simple and oversized hoodie that had "I love Scrubb" printed on it. Win was a hardcore scrubb fan - He liked their music ever since he was a kid. According to him, listening to their music was therapeutic for him, it was something he could find comfort in when the world seemed to turn its back against him.

"Oh, guess who's here?"

A familiar voice laced with menace resounded - Win knew who the voice belonged to from the moment he heard it. It was the voice that haunted his dreams at night.

Win tried his best to avert the group's piercing gaze as he sped up his footsteps, only to be halted by a brute by the name of Lhong who is now staring threateningly at Win.

"W-what do you want from me?" Win could only squeak. He was helpless and he knows it, so there really isn't any point in trying to resist the inevitable if it only meant earning more punches for himself.

"Oh nothing, really.." Lhong snickered, his gaze filled with contempt. "We just wanted to have some fun."

Win let out a nervous sigh. He could feel his legs trembling underneath their seemingly impenetrable stares, laced with nothing but disdain for him. Even though he has been through this countless times, he was still afraid, very much so. Win tells himself, 'It's okay, everything will be over soon.' as he braces himself for Lhong's punch, lips quivering in fear with his eyes shut tight.

Surprisingly, the pain didn't come. Win was starting to think that he must have been immune to Lhong's blows because he had been so used to it before he heard somebody speaking,

"Leave him alone."

The person's tone was firm and had an aura of dominance. Win didn't recognise that voice so out of curiosity, he fluttered his eyes open slowly.

Win was still panting from the shock earlier, but he wasn't too sure now if he was in greater disbelief that he didn't get beaten up today or the fact that it was the most popular kid in school who is now blocking Llhong's attack.

Bright tightened his grip on Llhong's right arm where Llhong's right hand was balled into a fist and so ready to strike out any moment if it weren't for Bright's intrusion.

"What has this got to do with you anyway?" Llhong seemed to be as shocked as Win was at this new intruder, as he tried to desperately squirm out of Bright's firm grip but to no avail.

"I just don't want to see anyone getting bullied on my grounds." Bright responded, with an almost nonchalant tone."Do you have a problem with that?" Instantly, Bright's tone went from a rather light-hearted one to a more serious tone as he stared intently at Llhong's eyes that were now darting around nervously under Bright's intimidating gaze.

Llhong could only nod wordlessly in submission. He knew better than to anger Bright Vachirawit and he wasn't going to take the risk.

Upon seeing the resigned look on Llhong's face, Bright loosen his grip on Llhong's arm which had clear red marks from Bright's hold earlier.

Win was still trying to take in all that was happening before him - Bright Vachiwarat was actually helping him? Win was sure he had been dreaming and that all of this was a fragment of his imagination, a coping mechanism. There was no way Bright would help him and it looked all good to be true.

"You okay?"

Bright's voice interrupted Win's thoughts, another affirmation that it was truly not a dream.

Win nodded.

"I'm Bright." Said boy introduced himself with a sheepish grin, hands in his pockets upon seeing Win's confused look. "Uhh..and you are?" Bright raised in his right brow in curiosity, tilting his head slightly forward.

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