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a/n: more fluff! uwu 


Bright was practically glowing today, Man and Boss noticed. He had a silly grin on his face, and was dressed in this loose mustard yellow hoodie that had a little logo of a duck on the top right corner paired with a pair of ripped jeans which was a stark difference from his usual style of dull clothing which was black, if not grey. Not to mention, Bright has been singing to himself the entire morning to the point where it almost drove Man and Boss nuts - They didn't know what had gotten into Bright and the latter refused to tell them no matter what despite their incessant questioning which made the pair even more curious everytime Bright dismisses their questions with a smile or a wave of his hand.

But if there is one thing they were certain about, Bright was ecstatic. And Man can't help but feel happy for him. It pains Man to say this but it has really been so long, so long since he has seen Bright smiling so genuinely and with so much love. Whatever Bright was happy about, Man could only pray that it will continue to keep his best friend happy for a long time.

After the confession, Bright suggested going to a theme park after school with Win since they had a short day on Monday, which he knew the latter would agree because Win absolutely enjoyed games and prizes (and yes, he remembered the conversation they had during the carnival.) Bright met Win by the school gate as planned, and he couldn't help but smile when he saw the boy approaching cladded in another of his' 'I love Scrubb' t-shirts, and up to this point, Bright was seriously wondering how many pairs of such shirts did the fanboy had. But it looked cute on Win anyways, so Bright wasn't complaining.

They were taking the bus to Dream World today, one of the many theme parks in Bangkok. Bright had been there a couple of times but it was too long ago for Bright to have remembered any of the rides he had been on. After an hour of bus ride, with Win dozing off occasionally, and Bright didn't even dare flinch when Win's head was on his shoulders in fear of waking the boy up, which would explain why his shoulders were aching now (not that Bright minded anyways), they were finally here.

"So where do you want to go first?" Bright asked Win enthusiastically, who was looking around now, clearly fascinated as his eyes' sparkled with joy at the rides and small booths selling intricate items from souvenirs to snacks, and one in particular caught Bright's attention.

It was a store selling little decorative items - it had a few accessories on display which ranged from sunglasses and cartoon headbands, as well as a few clothing apparels. Bright dragged Win to the store, who looked like a lost-puppy who was seeing the world for the first time, and so seemingly intrigued by pretty much everything around him.

"Welcome!" The store owner was a young lady who had red orange hair in a bob haircut, a pair of olive eyes, dressed in a pink apron with the store's logo printed on it. She was clearly not expecting two very attractive customers for she flushed as soon as she laid eyes on Win, who as always was oblivious at her attempts of getting his attention.

The lady's attempt at flirting didn't go unnoticed by Bright though and the way the lady battered her lashes at Win irked Bright, so he found it necessary to cut in before she could have any designs on Win. "We want these couple headbands please." Bright said, as he pointed to the two Mickey and Minnie Mouse ear headbands by the window display.

Clearly, the lady had not expected that Win and Bright were a couple as her eyes widened in surprise, before quickly retrieving the headbands as requested to avoid further embarrassing herself. Bright could tell she was flustered and it somehow made him feel smug that she knew Win was his. And his only.

Win was too preoccupied to have noticed that Bright had gotten them matching headbands, not that he was against it anyways because he didn't pull away when Bright put the Minnie Mouse ear headband on him - the design had an additional polka dotted bow which Bright found it looked absolutely adorable on Win. Bright too, had worn his Mickey Mouse ear headband and Bright swore he saw Win blushing when he finally realised that they had matching headbands.

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