author's note!

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hihi how are all of you doing! finally, after weeks and weeks of deliberation, i've officially decided to publish another fic yaaay 👏 so for those of you who may be interested, it's called 'It was you all along' and it is a mewgulf fic (because i love mewgulf as i much as i do with brightwin and i thought it'd only be fair if mewgulf has their own fic too hehe)

link has been added in the 'external link' portion 👇

also! as always thank you for those of you who have been supporting bmloy -sends hearts 💕 it really means a lot to me knowing that you guise liked it so much ~ 

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also! as always thank you for those of you who have been supporting bmloy -sends hearts 💕 it really means a lot to me knowing that you guise liked it so much ~ 

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