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a/n: just a heads up! this will be a longggg chapter (probably the longest chapter i've written for now) but you'll get to see more of win's pov which wasn't really touched on so far 


Bright woke up to the sound of steady beeps. He didn't know where he was but everything seemed foreign. He fluttered his eyes open as he stared at the ceiling above him, still trying to process where he was because he definitely wasn't in his room.

"Bright!" Man exclaimed, a smile of relief on his face upon seeing Bright awake. Bright had been in the hospital for almost 2 days now - Doctor said it was over-exhaustion but Man doubted it, if anything, Bright was love sick and only Win could heal him.

"W-where am I?" Bright muttered. He still felt a dull ache in his skull, but he was in a much better shape than he was before, at least it didn't feel like his head was ripping apart.

"The hospital..." Man sighed sadly, "You fainted, remember? Thank God Win brought you here otherwise I wouldn't even know what will happen to you if we hadn't found you in time."

"WIN?" Bright jolted up, despite the sharp pain in his lower back. "Where is he!?" Bright's eyes wandered frantically for the boy, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Calm down Bright." Man said, as he looked at Bright empathetically. "He left after he had brought you here."

"Nonono..." Bright shook his head in denial. "I have to find him." Bright said with much determination although his circumstances had prohibited him to - He was stuck to an IV drip and according to Man, the hospital weren't going to discharge him until they had run more tests even though Bright insisted he was fine.

"You can find him after you've recovered. But not now." Man said assertively, and that angered Bright for the latter was clearly not having any of this for the latter pulled out the IV tube off his arm speedily even before Man could stop him. Bright winced at the pain, and Man was clearly shocked as he widened his eyes in disbelief.

"Bright!" Man yelled. "What do you think you are doing!?" Man was certain that Bright was crazy by now. He had never seen Bright so obstinate about something like this before, so much so that he would even risk his life.

"I have to find him, Man." Bright implored. "He means a lot to me..."

"But how are you going to find him in this state?" Man questioned, eyes furrowing in disapproval although he knew his efforts at persuading his best friend would go to waste because Bright wouldn't listen.

"I have his address. I just need you to help me get out of here unnoticed." Bright begged, and it made Man soften at the sight of his best friend looking so pitifully. And so, Man eventually conceded not before setting out a condition that should Bright feel unwell at any point in time, they were to return to the hospital immediately regardless of whether they had seen Win. And, Bright had to stay in the hospital until all the tests had been runned. A condition which Bright had no choice but to agree since he only had Man to rely on now.

The two managed to sneak out of the hospital, probably owing to the fact that both he and Man had often skipped classes so they had attained a skill of escaping unnoticed. Man as promised drove Bright to where Win's apartment was and as soon as the familiar apartment came into view, Bright clenched his fists while a million thoughts flooded through his head. He felt the pain coming back again, but he decided to stay mum about it so he concealed it with a weak smile when Man had asked him repeatedly if he was alright.

Bright wanted to speak to Win alone so he had Man wait in the car while he headed to the apartment. Every step felt heavy. Bright knocked on the door impatiently. Please open up. Bright chanted to himself desperately.

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