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"Welcome to Mi Casa!", Hinata gestured to his apartment door, "that's french for front door!".

A headache entered Kageyama's brain as he tried to count how many things were wrong with that statement, "It really isn- you know what, never mind". The jingle of keys made way for the creaking of a door. The two took off their shoes and stepped in. Hinata gave him a small tour consisting of the bathroom, the kitchen, and the bedroom, and offered Kageyama food and drink. eve

It was a nice apartment. It wasn't big, but neither was Hinata. The room had basic furniture, nothing too wild, but what really gave off the same chaos vibe that radiated from Shoyo was the amount of small decor and trinkets. The entire place was sprinkled with DVD cases and toys. It looked almost like a child's bedroom.

The ball of sunshine grabbed one of his DVD's and waved over Kageyama to follow him to the bedroom, which contained a small TV, but not small enough to be in a bedroom. "I keep it in my room because it's been just me until now, no reason to keep it in the living room when I'm usually in here", Hinata said as he moved a book from his bed to the bookshelf. Kageyama wasn't even sure Hinata could read. Kageyama sat cross legged on the bed, and Hinata put the DVD into the TV before he walked over to Kageyama and laid down next to him on his stomach.

The movie began playing, and the two boys made jokes to one another, and compared the characters to people from school through the laughs. Kageyama made a joke comparing Asahi to a mouse that appeared in the movie, which sent the pair into a rage of laughter. Hinata held his stomach, which was now aching from laughing too long, and Kageyama flashed a rare open mouth smile. The pair sighed, and returned their attention back to the movie. Hinata yawned and stretched his arms out in front of him, lifting his shirt a little.

Kageyama was sitting slightly behind Hinata, and his attention was suddenly snatched from the movie. His eyes were fixated on Hinata's toned back, specifically at a red mark that was mostly covered up by the shirt. Kageyama's curiosity got the better of him, and without even thinking he pushed the boy's shirt up the rest of the way.

Time paused as Kageyama observed the two scars running down Hinata's back. They were huge, and although they weren't bleeding, they appeared red enough to have occurred within the past week even. Was this why he didn't show up to school? An image of the angel prince flashed into Kageyama's head. The orange hair, the massive scars; they looked identical to the images in the newspaper.

Time was brought back and Hinata jumped out of the bed. His panicked eyes met Kageyama's and the paused shared between them seemed to last a century. Kageyama started, "Are you the-" but he was cut off by Hinata, who exploded into a nervous rant. "I'm not- i mean I'm fine its just- it was my fault no one hit me or anything- i was at the hospital and- I'm not dying I'm fine its-". Kageyama tried to calm him down but Hinata wasn't listening. He went to touch his shoulder but Hinata's flailing arms pushed him back. Nothing was working.

Kageyama walked over to the window in Hinata's room and pulled down the blinds. He then stood in front of Hinata, who was now trying to explain what a surgery was. Kageyama closed his eyes. He felt his heart line up to the beat of his nervousness. He was scared about what he was about to do, but he knew he was safe with Hinata. He took his shirt off and looked Hinata in the eye, who had gone from a rambled explanation to stuttering over Kageyama sudden actions.

A gust of wind blew from Kageyama as his wings filled the room. His hair parted to make room for the two horns that began growing from his forehead. His wings were dark, almost black, an each feather added to the dark aura that suffocated the room. His horns were not yet fully grown, but they were nothing to laugh over.

Hinata finally fell silent, which allowed Kageyama to speak. "I know you're the Prince. I saw you in the papers. I'm sorry you had to go through that but, what happened for you to be charged with treason against your own dad?"

Hinata's shocked eyes softened, and fell to gaze at the floor. He spoke in almost a whisper, "I-I told him I wanted to live here, on earth."

"But why?" thought Kageyama. Then he remembered all the times Hinata spoke about how funny bees were, or how the clouds looked happy, or how the trees seemed to dance in the wind. He remembered the first day they trained together, how he said he felt free. Hinata truly loved it here.

Hinata continued, "He found out I had been sneaking out to come here. I found a transportation crystal on one of the bracelets in his jewellery collection, and- and I stole it. I've been coming here for months now, but you already knew that. It caught up to me eventually. Our bodies aren't designed to live on Earth without specific enchants, and one of the servants found the tissues of blood in my room in the castle. They obviously told my dad and he banned me from coming here. I obviously argued with him but he gave me an ultimatum. The Kingdom, or Earth. I-I wanted both, obviously".

Tears began to stream down Hinata's face and Kageyama was stunned. Hinata's voice cracked, "H-he said no angel could love earth m-more than their own family, so he cut them off and made me human". Kageyama impulsively leapt forward and embraced the boy. Hinata flinched for a moment, but he quickly relaxed. Kageyama felt his own eyes begin to water. Hinata broke down into a sob, "I hate him. i really hate him. It's always what he wants. Always what he needs. Why doesn't- Why doesn't he love me Kageyama?"

Kageyama stepped back and put his hands on Hinata's shoulders. His cheeks felt wet, but it was nothing compared to the mess that Hinata was. His father broke him. He truly hurt him. "You're father may have been a prison, but you're okay now. You're here. I'm here. You're okay. You're free". Hinata was looking at his feet and had calmed down to a soft sniffle, and Kageyama wiped his own face with his hands.

Hinata then looked up at Kageyama. His eyes were soft. His angelic aura was dimmed, but still there, and no one could steal that from him. Hinata pulled Kageyama down to his level, and paused for a moment, their faces only inches apart, before completely leaning in. Kageyama felt his heart flutter and his lips tingle, something only Hinata could make him feel.

He pulled away, "I don't want to kiss you when you're sad". Hinata gave a cheeky smile, "I KNOW you're not giving me orders right after I told you I wanted to be free". Kageyama scratched the back of his head nervously and gave a soft giggle, "You're right". The two ended the night with their hearts heavy, but full.

Please be patient with me. There's going to be one more chapter after this.

I repeat: This is not the end.

A Twisted World (Devil Kageyama x Angel Hinata)Where stories live. Discover now