A Final Email

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It's been 11 months since Kageyama first got his assignment and met Hinata, and it's been 9 months since since the two have been dating. His life seemed like a dream, not that he slept, but this is what he imagined a dream to be like. The two shared so many experienced together, from winning tournaments to sharing dinners. Hinata made his life complete.

The pair were walking home together one night. Training had run late and Hinata's house was closest, so his boyfriend invited Kageyama over. They walked hand in hand down the street, their path lit by street lamps and Hinata's subtle radiance. Another light appeared in Kageyama's pocket, the only warning being the buzzing of an incoming email. Kageyama reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone.

The message was sent from his Manager. Did he miss something in his reports? Were they not detailed enough? Kageyama took a deep breath in as he clicked on the email, Hinata felt his nervousness and gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

Greetings Kageyama,

I am messaging to inform you on your current assignment status.

He knew it. He messed something up. He bit his bottom lip and prayed to the Demon King that he wasn't about to get fired.

Your assignment has been outstanding. You have gone above and beyond the company's expectations, and there has been talk about a promoting you into statistic analysis and data request. The final decision will be made two days from now.

Kageyama smiled. This was perfect, he was getting everything he ever wanted. To be able to rise up the ranks at this speed was incredibly rare. It took all of his friends at least two to three years to get promoted in their respective fields. He could live the life he always wanted in the demon world. Hinata picked up on his excitement and stopped walking, "What does it say?". Kageyama told him about the promotion and Hinata embraced him, joy flooding through both of them.

Hinata took the phone to read the email for himself, "Wow! This is amazing Kags! Oh wait there's more you forgot to scroll d-". Kageyama looked at his boyfriend, "Scroll down?". Hinata's face had lost it's glow. "H-hey, what's wrong? What does it say?". Hinata locked the phone and put it in his own pocket, he flashed a smile to Kageyama, but it didn't have the usual beam to it, "Oh nothing, just the sign off, dummy. All email's have a sign offs, or are you too dumb to remember that?".

Kageyama let out a nervous laugh, "Come on, what did it actually say", he reached for Hinata's pocket, but Hinata side stepped out of the way. Hinata blew a raspberry in Kageyama's face and began running ahead. He stopped a few metres ahead and looked back, teasing Kageyama to chase after him. Kageyama felt a vein pop on his head. He loved this boy.

His mouth formed a small grin as he began sprinting after Hinata in the dimly lit street. The two boys laughed with pure excitement each time Kageyama lunged out to grab Hinata, barely missing him. Hinata stopped to catch his breath after running ahead for a few seconds. He looked back to see how far Kageyama was, but to his surprise, the boy was gone. He looked left and right, but was puzzled to find that Kageyama was no where to be seen.

A gust of wind blew down from above, and a chill went down his spine. Hinata slowly tilted his head to look up. His eyes went wide as they locked with Kageyama's, who was flying above him with his wings. "Kageyamaaaa! That's dangerous! What if you're seen?!!".

Kageyama laughed and landed beside Hinata, "There's no one around, it's fine". He then jumped forward and wrapped his arms tightly around Hinata, "I WIN!". Hinata squirmed in his arms, unable to escape, "THAT'S CHEATING!". Kageyama reached for Hinata's pocket and snatched out his phone. Once he had it in his hands, he quickly flew back up above Hinata, making sure he was higher than his boyfriend's crazy jump reach.

Hinata jumped up and down below him, waving his arms frantically, "I told you there's nothing on there don't bother reading it!". He sounded almost desperate. Kageyama stuck his tongue out playfully at him and opened the email once again. He then made sure to scroll down so he could read the rest of the message.

In addition to this promotion, you've been given an early finish to your assignment. Due to all of your reports being so detailed, enough information has been collected. You've been given a 12 hour buffer, to deal with any human friendships or connections. The school was already contacted earlier today. You're expected to be back after those 12 hours, we're all waiting eagerly for your arrival home.

Regards, Tooru.

His heart sank lower and lower, and so did he, until he felt his feet on the ground and Hinata's presence in front of him. He locked the phone and stared at the ground. He was scared to look Hinata in the eye. Hinata broke the silence with a shaky voice, "y-you're gonna stay, right? You're gonna tell them that you're staying right?". Kageyama forced himself to look at his boyfriend. He didn't expect the assignment to be over this soon.

He watched as Hinata waited for his response. He watched as water began to build up in Hinata's eyes. The longer Kageyama stared, the more tears came to Hinata. "Say something Kageyama! Please! Tell me that i'll wake up tomorrow and see your face beside mine! Please." Kageyama opened his mouth to speak, but hesitation made him mute.

His loved Hinata with his whole heart, but Hinata wasn't all that he had. He had friends - family even - back in the Kingdom. He had a job he was good at. He had a home there, filled with his favourite books and trinkets. But here, he had Hinata. But that was all he had here.

"Hinata I-". Hinata looked up at him with hopeful eyes. "I love you, but-". Hinata shook his head, "No. No! Don't say but! Don't stand there and tell me you're going to leave me! I can't! I won't listen!"

"They'll send someone to collect me if I don't come back Hinata"

"Tell them you're staying here then!"

"I can't stay here, I'll get banished"

Hinata grabbed Kageyama's shirt in desperation, "Is that so bad? You can live here with me, on Earth, it's beautiful you know, we can be here together!"

Kageyama shook his head, "The only thing on Earth that I ever found beautiful, was you. You see how the bugs dance in glee, you see clouds smiling at you from the sky, you get along with everyone. I can't do that. I can't look at this Earth and see the things you do. I look at Earth and I see wars. I see the corruption. I see the poverty and the discrimination. I can't even eat the food here. This isn't freedom for me."

Hinata let go of Kageyama's shirt and stepped back. Tears fell heavily down his face and Kageyama felt his own tears begin to fall at the sight of his devastated boyfriend. "Hinata, please don't cry, I-I love you"

Hinata sat down on the curb and put his head on his knees, "I-I can't believe you would just leave like that if you love me like you say you do". Kageyama sat down beside him. He grabbed Hinata's face, turning it so he could look his boyfriend in the eyes, "Hinata. You're the most amazing person I've ever met, truly." He wiped the tears from Hinata's face gently, "But I don't want to give up my life for yours. I don't want to give up everything I have, my family, my career, my immortality"

Hinata didn't say anything. Kageyama could only assume he was mad at him, and he didn't blame him. "I'm sorry. I am. But even without your wings, you're an angel, and you don't need me to fly. You'll make it far on your own, and I'm sure you'll meet someone new. I know you will. You're such a genuinely amazing person, people just naturally gravitate towards you. You'll meet someone who can love you better than I did. You'll meet someone human. You don't deserve someone like me, because I guess demons truly are evil like they say."

Kageyama felt his mouth met with a warm sensation. Hinata's mouth was interlocked with his, tears making their kiss as salty as their situation. Hinata pulled away, "I will always love you, I can make you that promise"

Kageyama stepped back and grabbed his necklace. A beam of light flashed, and he said his final words to Hinata, "Don't."

Please don't hate me. I've never had a "bad" ending in one of my stories before and I thought I'd try it out.

Hehehe thanks for reading I love you all (Dw im not a demon, i wont disappear once i say ily)

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