Chapter 1

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2 Years Later...

Isabella's p.o.v.

"Isabella Faye,get up for school!" my mother yelled as I groaned,not in the mood to get up.I sighed and rolled over to end up colliding with the floor.I pressed my face against the carpeted floor and groaned again which resulted in Kayla coming in, "Isabella,what are you doing?Get up." I looked up at her to see her in one of her prissy ass outfits:White lace tee,floral skirt with one of her blazers which was light yellow this time.Her kitten heels in front of my face and her tan legs covered by white tights.

Anyways,she helped me up and said, "Please wear something that shows off your figure.Kirby needs to see your body." I frown and look directly at her, "Well what if I don't want to?I don't want him to notice my ribs poking out and question me." "Wait,you still haven't told him?" I shake my head as she continues, "Isabella,you two have been together for almost 2 years.It's time to tell him." I frown and turn away, "Get out so I can get dressed." She leaves me alone to get dressed and think about my options:Tell Kirby that I have Anorexia or keep it a secret longer.I pick #2.

At School...

I walk into school to immediately be overrun by all the people here.I push through the crowd,my beanie falling off in the process.I sigh in frustration as I turn back,ready to search when I hear, "Isabella,come see!" I turn around to see Fish and Eli waving me over.I quickly walk over before I get run over by the stampede of students, "Hi guys." Fish smiles, "So,your anniversary with Kirby is tomorrow.Any ideas of what to do that day?" I sigh and shake my head, "No.Have you seen Kirby today?" They both look at each other when I feel something being placed on my head.I turn around to see Kirby standing there,a goofy grin on his face, "Hey my dork.I found your beanie on the floor so I put it back on your head." I smile and hug him tightly,my arms wrapped around the waist,not wanting to let go.Kirby seemed to noticed because he said, "Awe,looks like someone missed me." I grinned slightly as he hugged me back,his warmth keeping my body from freezing.

"Kirby,I'm cold." He smiled and pulled me closer,his warm lips against my temple.I snuggled even closer to him,my arms wrapped around his torso.He opened up his jacket and I fit in perfectly,as if it were meant for the 2 of us. "Kirby,Bella,I hate to break up this love fest and all but class starts in like 1 minutes so...wrap it up.Fish and I will wait for you around the corner Kirby so you two can have your privacy." Eli said and I blushed slightly,burying my face into Kirby's chest.The boys walked away and that left us all alone.

"Belles,your freezing.Are you okay?" Kirby asked,concern filling his voice.I smiled a small smile,"Yeah,I'm fine.I'm just tired and I..." I stop and look at him, "I missed you." That right there came out as a whisper,I doubt he even heard it.Kirby smiled, "I love you." I nodded as he leaned in,connecting his lips to mine.I smiled and kissed him back,the same butterflies that were there 2 years ago when he first kissed me,were still there.I pulled away and smiled,"See you in 3rd hour Kirbs.Love you." "Love you too," he said as he hugged me tight one more time,placing one more kiss to my temple before leaving for class.I smiled after my boyfriend when the bell rang,snapping me out of my daze before I rush to class.




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