Chapter 8

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Alice pov

We watched the taxi drive away. Mrs Heelshire stares at us from the back window of the taxi. I give her a small smile and a wave, letting her know that everything is going to be okay.

As the taxi rounds the corner, Greta let's out a big breath like she has been holding it since we have been here.

She heads into the Manor, holding Brahms not so carefully. She sits him in the wooden chair in the entrance-way, the one I had been sitting on.

He stares at her, that strange little painted smile on his face. Those black dead eyes stare at greta, she shivers.

'No offence, Brahms. But you creep me out.'

She picks up the blanket and tosses it over the doll.

I gasp in horror. Hasn't she got any respect for anything. She just broke one of the rules. I had a bad feeling that something bad was going to happen.

'Greta! I don't think you should do that.' I told her.

Her head snapped at me,eyes burning with hatred. 'Shut up. Your not the nanny, I am. I do as I please.' she shouted.

I flinch and step back. 'You told Mr and Mrs Heelshire you treat Brahms as your own.' I reply in a small voice.

'Shut up. Its a fucking doll, it has no feelings and the Heelshire are not here... Now you listen, Alice. You will do as your told, or I will send you back home. Now, go to your room.' she warns.

My eyes widen in fear. I was scared to go back home. I was scared, but I couldn't remember why.

' NOW!!!!' she shouts, pointing up the stairs.

I move quickly as I can. Tears threatening to fall. My body shaking in fear. Greta hasn't been mad since... I try to think but my mind goes blank.

Slamming my bedroom door shut and putting the locks on, my back hits the door.

My chest is rising up and down quickly matching my heart beat. My hands lower to my shirt and my hands slip under.

My eyes quickly squeeze shut, tears falling freely. My brain tries to figure out the blanks.

My fingers brush something rough just above my pubic hair. Why did I have a  seven inch scar?

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