Chapter 13

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Greta Pov

Greta braces the phone between her cheek and shoulder, then zips up the back of a sexy black dress.

'it's a date?' Sadie asks on the other end of the line.

Greta spins, checks out her backside and frowns. She unzips the back.

'No. It's not a date. It's professional.' Greta tells her sister.

'Professional? Your not a hooker now, are you?'

'Ha. Ha. Hold on.' Greta puts the phone down and pulls the dress off. She opens the closet door, where the mirror is attached and finds another dress to try. She slips on the white dress and picks up the phone.

'I mean... He works for the same family I work for. We're like co-worker.' Greta tells her sister, but. It buying anything that just came out of her mouth.

'Hm.are you wearing that white dress?'

Greta does a spin. Not too bad. She pours herself a little more wine and takes a drink, posing in the mirror.


'The white dress. You're wearing it right now, aren't you?'

'No.' Greta replies, obviously lying.

'And your drinking wine?'

Greta's about to take a sip of wine and then stops. 'How do you know all of this?'

'Because I'm your sister. And I know your going-on-a-date routine.'

'it's not a date. I just don't want to look like a hobo. Besides I...'

Greta pauses and looks in the mirror. Brahms sits in the crack of the door way. His gaze fixed on her.

Greta let's out a scream. She turns around to the door, dropping her glass of wine in the process. The glass shatters, wine sprays all over white dress.

Brahms stares back at her, that mysterious slight smile on his face.

Greta pushes the door open. Storms passed Brahms and into the hallway.

'Alice!!! You little cow. You think playing jokes is funny. You have gone too far.' she screams.

Greta could hear the floorboards creak loudly and footsteps making their way into the hallway.

'What?' Alice snaps, covered from head to toe in flour.

'Don't play dumb, it doesn't suit you. You own me a new dress. I knew you couldn't stand that I had a date tonight, you jealous little shit.' she spat.

Alice stared at Greta like she had a second head. 'What are you talking about?'

'The doll...' Greta points to Brahms. '... You put that... Thing there on purpose. You thought I'd I ruin her dress, I will not be able to go out tonight...'

Alice holds both hands up and tries to take a step forward. 'Greta, I didn't...'

'Don't fucking lie to me, Alice. You have ruined everything...' Greta roars with so much anger, Alice was shocked, scared she tried to take a step back, but she wasn't quick enough.


Greta watches her sister fall backwards onto the floor. The back of her head makes contact with the corner wall with a sickening crunch.

Alice laid unmoved, eyes softly shut but with a painful expression.

Greta just stares, waiting for Alice to move. She doesn't. With a shrug of her shoulders, she leaves Alice on the floor.

She walks back to Brahms who is sitting innocently in the doorway. She stares at him. Then she gives him a good kick, sending Brahms sliding down to the end of the hallway where he ends up sprawled against the wall.

Greta walks into Alice's bedroom, opens the closet door and pulls out a coral dress, then walks back into her bedroom. She didn't even notice the doll was watching in the corner

Greta picks up the phone of the floor. 'Sadie?'

'Greta!? Jesus! You scared me to death. Are you okay?'

'Yeah, I'm fine. It was Alice.'

'What did she do now?' Sadie snapped.

'She pulled a trick on me with the doll... I got red wine all over my white dress, its ruined.'

'I hope you gave her a good seeing too?'

'yeah. I gave her a good smack. She's in her room now... Sadie, I will call you later, I need to get ready.' she lied.

'okay. Don't forget to call. I want to know every bit of detail.'

Greta smiled. 'I will. Bye.'

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