Chapter 14

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Alice wakes up to thunder roaring loudly. She opens her eyes slowly, her vision blurry. To her left she see's Brahms sitting next to her. His eyes are looking down at her.

Alice slowly sits up, gritting her teeth together, as she feels a sharp pain at the back on her head. Lifting her hand, her fingers gently brush over a large bump. There was no dampness, which is a good sign meaning no blood.

Tears welled up in her eyes. Greta had slapped her. In the back of her mind, she has a feeling that something like this has happened before.

Images of her and Greta arguing. Cole and Sadie standing on the side lines. Cole looking frightened and Sadie looking pleased with herself. Then bang... Darkness.

Was Alice starting to remember? Or was the huge bump on her head making her imagine things?

Wiping her eyes, she slowly pulls herself of the floor. With her body shaking, she stumbles into the bathroom. Getting a clean towel from the cupboard, she turns on the shower.

She slowly peals her cloths from her body, she is feeling numb. Her cloths fall onto the floor forgotten.

Stepping into the shower, she smiles feeing the hot water run down her body. Washing away any negative feeling and replacing with positive.

She sings a song whiles she scrubs her hair with shampoo and hums while washing her body.

She turns the shower off, steps out of the shower. With a swipe of a hand, Alice clears an area of the mirror. She stares at her face and winces. On her cheek is a huge red hand print, the skin has raised. She grabs her towel and wraps it around herself.

Stepping into the hallway, she notices that Brahms isn't in the corner. Frowning, she shakes her head thinking she has imagined it.

She turns on her bedroom light and let's out a loud scream. There, on her bed is Brahms and her new doll. They are sitting on the end of her bed, feet dangling over the sides. They were both sitting there with the same smile, hands on their laps just staring.

Alice shivers. Ignoring both dolls, she quickly dries her body and hair. She goes into the draws to get something to wear, but they are empty. She opens the draws to grab some underwear, they are empty too.

'What the fuck.' Alice whispers.

Panicing, Alice races into Gretas bedroom. She opens the closet door to find it empty. She opens the draws, they are also empty.

Alice pauses when she hears child like laughter coming from the hallway.

'Greta, this isn't funny' Alice warns, feeling angry.

Holding the towel tightly around her body, Alice steps back into the hallway. She stops dread in her tracks when she sees the ladder and the attack door opened.

'I know your up there! I've called the police!' Alice warns.

Silence. The wind picks up outside. The windows shake. And the house groans.

'I have a gun! A big fucking gun! And I'm from Texas, I know how to use it!' she shouts.

Alice looks around the house. Then to the two dolls who was sitting at the end of her bed.

'Don't go up there. Go into your room and lock the door.' she whispers to herself.

As if against her will, she takes a step further on the ladder.

'Don't do this, Alice.' she tells herself.

Another step...

'Don't take another step...'

But she does...

'Stop. Call somebody...'

She takes one more step and pauses. Now, if she steps on her tippy-toes she can just see into the attic. She lifts herself up, slowly, just enough to peak into the pitch black attic.

'I know your up there!' Alice calls with a shaky voice.


The stairs raise underneath her. Alice screams as she's thrown into the attic.

Alice lays unmoved. Her heart beating rapidly. Her ear is pressed to the dusty ground as she can hear a child-like foot steps in the hallway.

Alice shakes her head, but stops when she sees a light from a car outside illuminates the room, makes a shadows shift and move.

Alice crawls to one of the small port-like windows. She sees a truck. William gets out. He moves towards the front door.

'WILLIAM! HELP! WILLIAM!' she calls.

Alice slams her fist against the window. Filled with fear, she is screaming for help.

Downstairs she gear's more footsteps, this time moving quickly through the house. Alice slams on the window and the wall with her fist.

Alice races through the attic, tripping on boxes, fighting her way through the maze of shadows, tugging to keep the towel on her.

She finds what she's looking for. A broken leg from a table. She stumbles back to the window.

'WILLIAM!' She screams.


She swings the table leg against the window as hard as she can. The window holds. She swings again, this time the table leg snaps in half.

She looks out of the window. William makes his way to his truck. Slamming on the glass, screaming and Panicing.


But he can't hear her. Alice continues screaming banging her fist on the wall as she watches William climb back into his truck and drives away.


Alice turns back into the room, looking for someway to get Williams attention or escape. She heads towards a dark corner of the room.

Moves quickly through the sea of boxes and random objects and then runs into a figure.

She screams, stumbles back. Tripping over boxes and hits her head for the second time that night.

She doesn't move. Knocked out cold, her towel half covering her body.

The attic door opens and a figure appears. It stops and stares at the knocked out figure. The figure smiles, takes a thick chunk of hair and cuts it with scissors.

'Welcome home, Alice.' The child like voice says then giggles. The figure walks away humming Brahms lullaby and locks the attic door.

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