6. Forgiveness

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*Madie P.O.V.*

"But why not?" I asked in frustration. Luke and I were talking, then that lead to us talking about me going back to Ashton. "Because he'll hurt you again." he said and I look at my feet. "What if he's changed?" I said and he sighed. "I don't care, you're not going back to him." he said and I look at Luke. He stepped closer and closer until I was backed up against the wall of his bedroom. "Lu-" I got cut off by Luke smashing his lips into mine! My eyes widen and they start to close. No! No! No! This is wrong! I need to stop this! I'm still Ashton's, not Luke's! I push him away. "Stop." I said and he stare at me with lust in his eyes. He attached his lips to my neck. "L-Luke, stop." I said and pushed him away farther. "Why? It's fun seeing you struggle under my touch." he said and came close to me and grabbed my waist. "Luke? What are you doing?!" We turn our attention to the doorway and see Michael standing there in shock. "Nothing." Luke said not letting go of my waist. "Luke let go of Madie." Michael said and came closer to us. "No." he said and held me closer. "Lucas... You unhand her right now." Michael said. "Why should I?" Luke asked. "She's Ashton, not your's Luke." he said and one swift movement Michael somehow got me out of Luke's grip. "Give her back." Luke said. "No, she's not your's." Michael said and walk out of the room with me beside him. "Michael and I have someone who wants to see you and you that might be happy about it." Calum said to me and look at them confused. I follow Michael and Calum out of Luke's apartment to the stairs and out the building. Calum covered my eyes as we walk out into the parking lot. "Ok, ready?" Michael asked. "Ready." I said. Calum uncovered my eyes and I see her, my little sister Stella! "Stella!" I said and ran up and hugged her. "Sissy!" she said and hugged me back. "God I've missed you so much, look how big you've gotten! How old are you know? 13? 14?" I asked. "I'm 14 right now. I've missed you more big sissy." she said and I have tears of joy going down my face. "How's mom doing?" I asked in a worried tone and she sighed. "I haven't see mom and dad in a long time, I've been living with grandma Judy and grandpa Dave." she said and I sighed in relief. "I'm happy you're safe." I said and pulled her into a tight hug. "Madie, we have to go take Stella back home." Michael said. "Ok." I said as I stood up and held Stella's hand and we walked to Michael's car and we got in and we drove off to my grandparents house to drop off Stella.


"Do you want to come in with us?" I asked Calum and Michael before exiting the car. "No you go on ahead, we'll wait here." Calum said and we walked to my grandparents front door and walked in. "Madison?" I hear a familiar voice say. I turn and see my grandma and grandpa. "Grandma! Grandpa!" I said. My grandma pulled me into a loving hug and my grandpa pulled me into a tight hug. "How've you been girlfriend?" My grandma asked. (A/N this is actually what my grandma says to me lol XD I love her!) I giggled and smiled at her. "I've been good." I said. "Have you seen your dad or mom at all?" My grandpa asked and I shake my head. "Stella, can you go to the other room, we need to talk." My grandma said and pointed to me, her, and grandpa. Stella nods and walked off into the other room. "Ok Madie we've hear that you moved in with a boy named Ashton, is he your boyfriend?" My grandma asked. "I don't actually know, because we got into a... 'Fight' a week ago... And I still haven't talked to him about it or anything." I said. "You should talk to him, and what do you mean by 'fight' did he cheat on you?" My grandpa asked. "Sort of, he was drunk and when I got to his apartment... I heard a girl... Say his name and I hear... Moans and yeah. I saw them and I ran out of the apartment." I said blushing because having to explains it to my grandparent is wired. "He was having sex with another girl behind your back?" My grandpa asked and I nod. "Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry." My grandma said in a sweet voice as he grabbed my hand and held it. "It's ok." I said and they smiled at me. "You do need to talk to him though, you need to figure it out." My grandma said and I nod. "I'll talk to him tonight, well I better get going." I said and hugged them and Stella. "Bye sissy." Stella said. "Bye shrimp." I said and kissed her forehead. "Please come to visit sometime." she said and I nod. "I will." I said and waved at my grandparents and walked to Michael's car and got in. "How'd it go?" Cal asked as we started to drive. "Good." I said. I need to talk to Ashton.


We get to Ashton's apartment building and we all get out. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Calum asked and I nod. "I'm sure Cal." I said and hugged him and Michael. "Be careful babe." Michael said as I walk toward the building. "I will." I said before turning and waving at them. They wave back and I walk inside the building and up the staircase. I get to the top of the stairs and walk down the long hallway and get up to the door number. I gulp and little and sigh before pulling out the key and open the door.

*Ashton P.O.V.*

I hear the front door open. It's probably Michael come to talk to me again. I sigh and walk out of my room and down the hall and see those blue and green eyes I never thought I'd see again! "Hey." Madie said and I stare at her in shock and happiness. I didn't even know what to say so I just ran up to her, pick her up, and spin around with her in my arms. She giggled and my heart melted just hearing her giggle again. I set her down and stare into her eyes before I pull her into a tight hug. "I've missed you so much." she said as I nuzzle my face in her neck. "I've missed you more." I said. We pull away after awhile but my hands still holding on to her hips. I lift my right hand and hook my pointer finger under her chin. I stare into her eyes again before leaning in and kissing her. She kisses back as I wrap my arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me closer to her. We pulled away and we smile at each other. She looked at me and frowned a little. "You haven't been sleeping, have you?" she asked and I shake my head. "C'mon." she said as she grabbed my hand and lead me down the hall to our room. "Lets get go bed." she said and got into her PJs and so did I. We get into bed and I pull her close and she cuddled into my side and her head on my shoulder. I kiss her forehead and play with her hair. "Night Ashy." she said and I grin. "Night Madie" I said and closed my eyes and fall asleep hold Madie tight in my arms, never letting her go again... I wake up and open my eyes sleepily. I see Madie asleep on my shoulder. I smile at her and kissed her forehead. She stirred and opened her eyes sleepily. "Morning kitten." I said. "Morning Ashy." she said. I kiss her nose and she giggled. "Madie, I am really sorry for what I did." I said and she shook her head. "It's ok." she said. "No it's not, I cheated on you and I feel horrible for doing-" I got cut off by her lips on mine. She pulled away after a while and leans her forehead against mine. She sighed and looked me in the eyes. "It's ok Ashy." she said with a smile and I smile back. "Ok." I said. "I'm gonna go and make breakfast." I said. "Nuu! Cuddle!" she whined as I got out of bed. She pouted and does grabby hands at me. "We have to eat." I said. "But cuddling!" she whined and pouted. "Come here." I chuckled before picking her up in my arms bridle style. She gasp when I suddenly picked her up and I chuckle a little as I open the bedroom door. I carry her and she leans her head against my shoulder. I walk out into the kitchen and set her on the counter. I make pancakes and she smiled at me. "What?" I asked. "Nothing." she said and kept smilling at me. "Madison!" I said and glared at her and she giggled. "What?" she asked. "Stop staring at me." I said. "I'm not staring." she said in an innocent voice before she widened her eyes and lean more towards me. I look at her and chuckle and shake my head at her. I turn the pan on low before I walk over and stand inbetween her legs and kiss her nose. "You're way too cute." I said and she giggled. She grins at me but then the grin suddenly faded... "Ashton?" she asked. "Yeah?" I asked. "Luke and I were talking yesterday and he..." she trailed off and I stare at her. "What he do to you?" I asked in concern. "He kissed me." she said and I boil up in anger and she looked me in the eyes. "I didn't kiss back, I'm sorry I didn't tell you yesterday. I didn't tell you yesterday because... You were so happy to see me again. I'm sorry Ashy, please don't be mad." she said and I see her eyes fill with tears. I pull her off of the counter and into my arms and I hug her. "It's ok baby, I'm not mad. I forgive you." I cooed and rubbed her back as she cried into my shoulder. "A-Ashton?" she asked. "Hm?" "I got to see my sister yesterday." she said as she pulls away and I look at her. "Really?" I asked and she nods and grins. "How old is she now?" I asked. "She's 14." she said. "Did you seen you're mom too?" I asked worried and she shakes her head. "She lives with my grandparents now." she said and I nod. We stood there just staring into each other's eyes. "Ashton." "Yeah?" I asked. "I love you." she said and I smile brightly at her. "I love you too." I said. She pulled me in and kissed me. I cup her face with my hands and kiss back. We pull away and I lean my forehead against hers. She smiled at me and I smile back. God I love her. I hear a knock on the door and I go over answer it. I see a man that didn't look familiar. "Came I help you?" I asked. "I'm looking for a Madison, is she here?" he asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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