𝐢. chapter one

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CHAPTER ONEbeer is a no no!▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

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beer is a no no!

HEAD THROWN BACK IN PLEASURE, dakota enjoyed every moment of the euphoric feeling flowing through her veins. all of a sudden her enjoyment was interrupted by the bathroom door opening.

john b's eyes widened noticing the provocative position the unfamiliar male was in underneath the doe eyed girls skirt.

"respect your boundaries man get out!" she yelped out embarrassed that her rendezvous was seen by john b.

     "this is my bathroom dipshit." he muttered out before rolling his eyes and shutting the door.

     wiping her face in annoyance, dakota stood up catching ethan's attention. "yeah i think we're done for the day, you should leave." she panted out done with the day already seeing as so much has already happened.

     not getting the answer he wanted, he scoffed raising his arms in frustration. "but we didn't even get to me yet!" he hissed mad that she left him hot and bothered.

     "tough shit buddy get out." she demanded. groaning, he stood up and stormed out of the bathroom loudly catching jj's attention.

     exiting the bathroom she made eye contact with jj who only raised his eyebrows at her in question. he didn't like the fact that she was with a random guy but he watched in amusement as ethan grumbled colorful words on his way out of the chateau. "don't ask." she mumbled sitting down next to him taking the beer out of his hands to take a swig.

"i don't ask about your hookups, you don't ask about my hookups." he concluded winking at her.

inching off the futon she made her way back into the bathroom throwing her hair up into a messy bun. she couldn't help but notice her pale complexion in the mirror studying the light bags under her eyes from sleep she rarely got due to nightmares. sighing, she exited the bathroom and grabbed her backpack and securing it on her back.

"i'm heading out." she announced to both john b and jj.

"heading to your next boy toy?" jj teased looking at her. "aw jj don't sound so jealous." she pouted in response ruffling his hair only to get her hands slapped away.

"i gotta head back to my house clean up the mess before damien gets home don't wanna get my ass beat again." she joked but all she got was worried glances in return.

it wasn't new news to anyone in the cut that dakota always had a rough life. mostly everyone knew how her mom left dakota and her brother damien for some drug dealer when she was thirteen leaving her in the care of her eighteen year old brother damien. damien was always a good kid until the leaving of their mother took a huge toll on him and brought him to the life of alcohol and anger and could help but express that anger onto dakota.

noticing the look in their eyes she sighed, "ill be fine he never gets home til ten in the morning." looking over the clock she saw the time red eight thirty.

"be safe." jj warned kissing her forehead.

"aren't i always." she winked nudging his shoulder.

     "see ya johnny boy." she saluted the shaggy haired male receiving a salute in return. "i'll be back for the party later i promise."

     making her way out the chateau by herself she picked up her discarded bike on the grass and hopped on riding as fast as she could to get home as soon as possible.

      upon arrival she sighed feeling her happiness slowly diminishing. throwing the bike down on the ruined grass she made her way to the front door.

     when taking in the sight of her beaten down home she winced realizing it would take her more time than she thought to clean up the house. beer bottles scattered everywhere, some smashed she had to carefully maneuver herself so she wouldn't step on the broken glass.

     an hour later she successfully cleaned up most of the mess making it look as good as a broken down home could be. her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening.


     as quietly as possible she snuck her way to her room avoiding all the creaks in the floorboards. rushing for her bag she stuffed her bathing suit and clothes for later she was so far deep in thought that she didn't hear the sound of her bedroom door opening.

     damien leaned against the doorway flashing her a sickly sweet smile. "what's up little sis."

     looking up slowly her eyes widened. turning around hastily she rushed to her bedroom window wedged it opened and jumped out. body slamming onto the ground she ran to her bike pedaling off as fast as she could her brothers shouts now just whispers in the wind.


     hours later after biking around the cut, dakota found herself back at john b's place, party in full swing

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hours later after biking around the cut, dakota found herself back at john b's place, party in full swing. seeing kiara sitting around the fire dakota smiled to herself making her way over to her best friend.

"so has kie already started yapping your ear off about microplastics yet." she taunted the boy who was chatting with kiara.

"hey! it's important." kiara defended pouting crossing her arms over her chest. dakota only holding her hands up in mock surrender.

laughing kiara gave a small shove to the brunette to continue her lovely conversation.

chuckling to herself she made her way over to grab a iced tea from the cooler.

"not a beer drinker?" a voice interrupted her thoughts. turning around she connected eyes with an unfamiliar male and only raising an eyebrow in question.

"come on, let me grab you a beer." he pestered.

rolling her eyes she butted in in objection, "i'm good, thanks." about to turn away, she felt his hand grasp onto her wrist.

"no, no i insist." he continued. yanking her hand from his grip she seethed, "i said no."

it was known by most of her friends that she tried to refrain from drinking as much as possible in fear that she'd turn into her brother. even though the task at hand found itself pretty difficult seeing as her friends normally always had a beer in their hands.

making her way over towards jj who was surrounded by a few others, she hugged him on the side.

glancing over at the girl her couldn't help but voice his thoughts, "who was that?" no matter how much they both hated the pogue on pogue macking rule they always knew that it would be them till the end.

"someone who can't take a fucking hint."

𝐖𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐂𝐎𝐀𝐒𝐓.      ( 𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙨 )Where stories live. Discover now