2014 Issue | January: The Return of the Lion

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"Beaumains! Hasn't the reinforcement come?"

The United Sanctuary was facing a danger it has never encountered before.

"It was reported that the reinforcement was ambushed. They couldn't be counted on for some time."

They were fighting against the numberless army of "Link Joker". In this severe warfare of attrition, which could be ended at any moment, the stamina and the power of United Sanctuary's soldiers were being depleted.

"Nah, is it the end of us?"

Leader of the Third Infantry Troop of "Gold Paladin"---"Gareth", couldn't hide his disappointment after hearing the report. He showed envy to "Beaumains" who could stay calm even in such adverse situation.

"Captain, if you're here..."

Beaumains pretended he didn't hear the words of despair from his friend's mouth. Until the distance of the two was so far that sound couldn't reach. Watching at the sky covered by black rings, Gareth closed his eyes with agony, recalling a scene of the past.

---"Hall of Audience", Royal Castle, Holy Nation---

"You wish to depart at any means?"

There were the stance of two men. One of them was Alfred, the well-known King of Knights. And another one was...

"There is nowhere I can stay in this nation now."

The greatest contributor of the Liberation War, the young knight who earned his fame as the hero of the new generation---Ezel.

"That's not the fact---"

"That's enough. Your Majesty, that's the matter I have decided."

The discussion was ended. Ezel left the scene and Alfred didn't stop him.

"Is that alright, Al?"


Hearing the question of Blaster Blade, standing behind the throne, Alfred could do nothing but answered his servant negatively.

"To him, there is a path he should proceed. I cannot stop him."

"As usual you cannot."

"Will you tease my naivete?"

"...I think that is the reason for us to obey you, My Lord."

Seeing his confidant kneeling knightly, the king could finally smiled a bit.

The discussion was coincidentally heard by Gareth from the opening of the doors. He, taking calmness of words and actions as virtues, couldn't act on them only that day.

"What's that!? What does that mean!?"

Torre roared as if wailing. In the dorms, the members of the once Red Lion Corps heard the report that Ezel was going to leave the knightly order...it that was the only case that would be fine, but they seemed quarreling in others' eyes.

"The meaning is the literal one!"

Facing the roar of Torre, fused with confusion and rage, Gareth couldn't hide his inner feeling.

"...Stay calm."

They heard a voice of low tone. The stopper of the meaningless conflict was Eliwood, who joined the Red Lion Corps during later stages of the Liberation War.


"...My apologies."

As they apologized to each other, they stepped a step back.

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