2: Evalesco Academia

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The gates started opening, revealing a beautiful scenery of a peaceful lake, but there are no signs of any pathway you can use.

Then Duchess heard a robotic voice of a female coming out from god-knows-where.

"Hmm... A new face, I assume this is the first time you have been here. As you can see, there is no bridge that will help you cross through the lake. You should trust and believe in yourself and do whatever you want. Good luck on finding the way to cross the lake. I'll be expecting to see you on the other side" the lady said, and with that, the voice disappeared and left a confused Duchess all by herself to find the way.

Duchess thought of using her power to build a bridge and tried to do it but she instantly regretted it and felt so stupid.

Of course it wouldn't work, her power is fire and obviously, fire and water don't go well together. She sighed at her first attempt so she thought of other ways, she did not inherit her family's trademark, which is wisdom, for nothing.

She noticed that there are trees surrounding the lake but the trees are aquatic so there's still no sight of land for her to cross the lake. Then she suddenly thought of trying to burn a branch of the tree and try making it as a bridge.

She placed down the things she is carrying and created a ball of fire within her hands and aggresively threw it to a big branch of tree, but surprisingly the tree didn't burn.

Urgh gosh. It's literally the first time I stepped into this place and I haven't been in here for an hour yet but it's stressing me a lot. She thought and then she let out a sigh.

Then something came through her mind again, mentally cursing herself for being that stupid and dumb. She went over to Trek's cage and opened it. Trek flew out of his cage and continuously flapped his wings, attempting to grow so that he can carry Duchess to the other side of the lake. Duchess is watching Trek and is about to smile in victory but it automatically faded. Trek is not growing any larger even though he is already furiously flapping his wings, it looks like Trek's magic is blocked in that place.

"Damn it" she said, getting frustrated already.

"Hey! Can you give me more clues?" she shouted, as if the robotic voice will answer her because it surely was gone already.

She thought of what the electronic voice said to her, 'You should trust and believe in yourself and do whatever you want.'

"Fine, whatever. It won't hurt to try I guess," she said to herself while picking up her bags and the cage.

She inhaled deeply as if mustering all the courage she could have, and started walking towards the lake. She closed her eyes as soon as she was getting closer into the water because who knows how deep it is or what sea creatures are in there. Yes, the lake seems peaceful but it's not so discreet that there are living creatures under the surface of the lake.

But as soon as Duchess walked onto the water, she was surprised that she did not feel any water in her feet. So, she slowly opened her eyes and was surprised to see that steps made of rock suddenly appeared in front of her, creating a pathway for her.

This is what the voice meant, to trust herself, and because she walked to it with all courage she can have, the pathway showed up to her. Sometimes, taking risks are not that bad, as long as you trust yourself and you believe that it's the best thing to do.

Duchess immediately walked onto the pathway, having the urge to already get pass through this and see the school for herself already.

At last, she reached the final step of the stone pathway, she got off it and stepped on the ground. There was a line of big trees in front of her, completely blocking the view of the other side. She thought of burning a portion of it, just enough for her to fit in, but quickly ignored it, thinking that it would be too harsh for the tree. So instead, she tried touching the trunk of the tree and surprisingly, the part where she touched melted away and it made a hole in the trunk big enough for her to fit in.

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