4: Coincidence or Fate?

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Duchess went to her second class Mind-games, but the irony here is that her mind is currently busy because it is still occupied about what happened earlier. She couldn't believe that Amber and Cheshire is part of the group she has always been encountering every time.

She heaved a sigh, hoping that the two won't bother her now, even though she knows that it seems to be impossible, especially after hearing Amber's thoughts but a woman can hope she guess.

Finally, she reached the room, the doors were closed so she tried to knock and waited if someone will open the door, but after few seconds, no one did. So she just twisted the doorknob and welcomed herself inside.

|Duchess Lilianne's Point of View |

As I opened the door, my vision got blurry for a split second, though I'm not sure if it was my eyes or my surroundings.

Hmm.. Suspicious. I saw a person, maybe the teacher, sitting straightly on her front desk, my classmates are also quiet and it's kinda weird. The room was kinda messy and is covered in black paint. Then I noticed that there are corpses on the floor, I observed the bodies but fear instantly consumed my mind when I realized that the body-builds of the people are very familiar to me.

N-no, this can't be happening right? This is all a trick! That's it, gosh I can't believe myself, I'm slowly trying to believe that Trek was right though, I really don't act like a Lychross.

'Good thing you realized your majesty' that was Trek. Wait, what the hell is he doing inside my head anyways? 'Mf stop invading my thoughts and just fly around inside my room' I replied to him, gosh this bird.

Anyways, I need to get out of this so I looked around, every room is supposed to have a wall clock on wherever side of the room so I tried to find it.

Yes, girl. You ain't so clever madame. I spotted the clock and noticed the odd behavior of the hands, it's moving slower than normal. My eyes are wide open, but I know they are not, I inhaled deeply, focused, and acted as if opening my eyes.

Then I was slightly blinded by the light, my eyes adjusted to it and saw that I'm inside a wide room with a light blue paint. I wandered my eyes around and I saw some of my classmates, still struggling on how to get out of the trance our teacher made.

Speaking of our teacher, I found her standing near the doorway, observing us. She quickly noticed that I'm out of the trance already.

"Congratulations Miss Lychross, this subject gives you a great advantage huh," Professor Artemia congratulated me. Yeah, surprise she's our teacher in this mind something. I still can't believe the way I talked to her the first time we met, is this her payback? Why does she have to use that in the illusion, urgh I hate it.

"Thanks Professor, but I honestly think that I really need to improve a lot more" I answered her truthfully saying. It's the reason why I enrolled here in the first place though.

I was about to wander around the room and examine it when I heard a familiar voice, again, oh no.

"Goodness, I almost thought that it was real!" Cheshire exclaimed, looks like she's the next one to get out from the trance.

| Cheshire Lily's Point of View |

Amber, me and the guys are walking towards our next class now, which is Mind-games. I went in first, checking if the professor would be mad because we're sort of late on our first meeting with her. I opened the door and was saw that our teacher is already there, seems like we were the last ones to come in our classes.

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