Chapter Two

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                                                 Three Weeks Later

   It was pouring rain outside and my fingers were numb from the cold. Despite it being summer if you mixed rain with strong wind you were bound to freeze. I didn't have an umbrella so I just tried to hold my self together and kept my hoodie on as best I could.

    It was late at night and I was coming home from another job. The Harrisons, who hire me often, needed me to clean the house today. I couldn't turn down extra money so I worked the entire week this week and had to work again early tomorrow morning. Since the summer came lots of people need me to take care of their gardens.

   My hands although soft and delicate during the winter grew callused and scared during the summer because of all the work I did. I ran across the street, trying not to catch the light. All the lights in the shops were off and the buildings were closed except for some of the resturants that hadn't closed yet and a 24/7 store here and there on the corners.

    I was cold, soaked, and not to mention hungry. I didn't have money on my bus pass so I'd have to walk a very, very, very long time to get home. I could just feel the rain weighing down my clothing and making my skin ich. I was wearing ballet flats which were now goners. With every step I took I felt the squish beneath my feet.

      I was going to keep walking until I heard a soft wail coming from the street. I looked over and from under the light of the street lights I saw a cat in the middle of the street. I squinted, tilting my head trying to see through the rain when I noticed the cat was stuck. I looked both ways before I ran out into the street.

    When I approached the cat it was purring and wailing. I looked down to see its paw caught in something. I couldn't tell what it was with all the rain all I knew was that it was sticky and the cat couldn't move its paw. I bent down and stroked its fur.

"What's the matter?" I said and the cat purred. "Alright, I'll get you out"

     I reached the cats paw, gently pulling. It squealed some more and I felt my heart break. Just the thought of the poor thing being in pain put me in pain. So I kept pulling until the cats paw was free.

"There" I said. "All better"

  The cat purred and purred sticking its head in the palm of my wet hands. I smiled and stroked its fur.

"You poor thing. You must be all alone."

Just like that it ran away, so quickly I didn't see where it had went. I threw my arms up.

"You're welcome!" I called out.

   I got up from my knees but it was too late. I looked up and heard the honking of the car coming and its headlights blurred my vision. Before I had the chance to run I gasped and someone's body crushed mine.

   The car kept flying by honking furiously. I rolled over, startled to see someone had landed on me.

"What were you thinking?" he said.

I was too frazzled to think of a logical answer. "There was a cat and-and it was stuck I had-!"

"You could've gotten yourself killed!" he stood up and pulled on my arm bringing me with him.

My body was trembling and my hands were shaking and I couldn't see his face under the hood of the cape he was wearing.

"Thank you" I gasped. "You saved my life"

I saw the faintest shadow of a smile. "You were rescuing a cat"

I laughed.

"I had to save you." he shrugged. "Even if it was quite stupid of you to stand in the middle of the street that way"

I shivered and rubbed my arms. "Well, thank you"

All of a sudden he looked around, his eyes darting back and forth.

"Pleasure to meet you"

   And like that he disappeared.




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