Chapter 14

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I took in a labored breath as a shiver ran up my arms.

Ash grabbed my hand in a vice grip, "he can't go without me, he is nervous and will be too afraid" I spoke as firmly as possible leaving the shuttering out of my sentence.

She looked at Ash still holding my hand and chewed her lips in indecision. She sighed before making up her mind and giving a slight nod. " Ok fine you can come"

I released a breath. I didn't turn to look back and we walked out of the room to the next one.

Three people awaited us in the next room and I pasted a smile before entering. A man with a white coat and another in a formal brown shirt. It was clear to see who was the doctor.

A Helious was placed on a white table in the center of the room. The purple bowl had been filled to the brim and few droplets patterned near the base on the tabletop.

" Good colors Ash I am Dr. Mosiac and I will take you identification." The man in white shook hands with Ash. He glanced at me and then at the lady in clear question.

She explained the reason smoothly and Dr. Mosiac looked at me with analytic eyes, but then he nodded getting to the work at hand.

" Now Ash you have to place your hand in the water so that we can see your color" he asked and Ash moved towards the table.

His statement echoed in my head and I placed a hand on Ash's shoulder in a display of encouragement.

He inched his hand closer to the bowl, hesitantly and I called to the colors in me. I felt a thrum of energy circling my body and I released the tension, trying to focus with a clear mind.

Willing the color to do something against its nature is strenuous because the colors reject the transformation.

That is why only a defender can create a shield and an offender can forge a weapon or why only creators have the liberty to shape.

But I have to do this, for Ash.

His fingers skinned the rim of the bowl and he trembled, I squeezed his shoulder.

Slowly he dipped my fingers in the bowl and I concentrated.

I concentrated on releasing my color in the air, each molecule far enough to pass as invisible before naked eyes.

They hummed in the air around me, but only I could tell because it is my color.

Ash submerged his hand in the bowl and I speed up the process, I focused on the bowl, unblinking as every other person in the room observed the bowl.

A bead of sweat trickled down my temple as I felt the weight of their eyes.

It was difficult holding the color separated in the air as I inched them carefully in the bowl from the area shadowed under Ash's wrist.

It started to slip inside and I felt the strain in the weakness seeping into bones and the headache building behind my eyes.

" Why-" Dr. Mozaic almost completed his statement before electric blue color started flowing in the water, curling around Ash's fingers.

Keeping the color steadily in the water was becoming a struggle and my finger trembled against my thighs in exertion.

He cut short his sentence and instead pulled a device out of his pocket. It had a strip at the end which he dipped in the Helious. The machine beeped twice before he pulled it out.

" You can take your hand out Ash" the man in the brown shirt handed Ash a towel and stepped back.

Ash slipped his hand out, but I squeezed his shoulder tightly and he halted in his movements, drawing out the action in slow motion.

That brought enough time to dissipate the colors from the bowl and I released my hold on my color as it dispersed in the clear liquid.

" You have an electric blue, impressive, so you are going to be a defender. Well good luck and wait a little longer we will handover the ID card in a moment." Dr. Mosaic said and moved away from the table, tapped something on the device before handing it to the man in brown shirt who powered it to a computer.

The lady opened the door behind me and motioned us to move out.

But I didn't relax until we were out of the room, expecting Dr. Mosaic to stop us any second. But he didn't and we reached the waiting area in one piece.

We entered the room and everyone turned to us on, there was another family in the waiting area so they didn't dare raise the question.

" They need a few minutes to process the ID and then we can go" I said with a genuine smile and slumped down in an empty seat.

The rest of the process was smooth and before I know it we were back at our house and dad was hugging me close to his chest. I smiled and hugged him back.

Mom whipped us an excellent lunch and slowly but surely the tension dissipated from the air, for now.

Everyone has retired to the hall to celebrate with a movie, it was just me and Kayden in the kitchen. I filled my glass of water and took a sip.

We have returned a couple of hours ago and with every minute I could feel the desire to drop down on the floor and sleep grow stronger.

" We have to tell them now" Skye walked into the kitchen with that sentenced and I tensed. I was really hoping for a break.

I looked from him to Kayden, " you should do it, you are the oldest" I took another sip of the water and placed my hand on the counter leaning on it as I struggled to stand on my feet.

"You should rest Ariel" Skye commented as his eyes softened at my state.

I opened my mouth t protest but Kayden beat me to it" You need to sleep Ariel we will handle this"

My brothers were not many words but they were action and it was their way of expressing their admiration for the impossible that I pulled today.

"But maybe I can convince them, who knows if they will even listen to you" Skye gave a grin at that.

" Of course you can, you are their only daughter," I grinned back as Skye rolled his eyes.

" If you are to go then that needs to be today " Kayden spoke in all seriousness what we already knew.

The speed train to Urydale is scheduled once in two weeks and taking a car is not an option, it will take forever by a car. We have already planned everything yesterday.

We just need the permission and then we will be on our way to Urydale.

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