Talking to him

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He was very handsome, but I can't fell in love again. I'm not risking putting me and my kids in danger again. Not after what Josh did. I can't.

I slide down the door of the locker room. My heart is beating so fast and my breathing picks up from thinking about him and what he did to us. Calm down, Jin, you will probably never see him again. I take a deep breath, yea, you're right.

Jin POV:
I was still sitting on the floor on the locker room. I was trying to get these evil thoughts out my mind, but everytime I thought of something else, my mind somehow got back to him.

I was starting to freak out again. But my breathing techniques weren't working. I clentched my chest, breathing short quick breaths.

"Jinnie, are you in there?" I hear Jisoo sweet voice say.

She tried to open the door but since I was sitting in front of it, it didn't open.

"Jinnie? Open the door. What's wrong?" Jisoo said very concerned.

I know I could trust her, so I moved from in front of the door and let her in. She opened the door and gasped when she saw the state I was in. After closing and locking the door, she came over to me and hugged me tightly.

She just let rocked me back and forth, she shushed me. "In through your nose, out through your mouth. Come on, Jinnie."

After a while, my breathing was back to normal and so did my heartrate. I wiped my falling tears and looked at her "Thank you, Jisoo. I don't know what I would've done without you."

"Anytime. Now tell me what had you like that." She said looking me dead in the eyes, the look she gives people when she is letting them know that she is not leaving until she gets an answer.

"That guy who wanted to meet me. Well, he was very handsome and he made my heart flutter." I said while looking down.

"Well what's wrong with that? That's a good thing. You deserve someone a billion times better than that douchebag." She said while pouting angrily.

"That's the thing, Ji. Felling in love again scares me. What if this man is just like him? I don't want me or especially my kids to go through that again. I don't want anyone else." I tell her honestly.

"No, Jinnie, you do want someone else. Someone better, who can protect you and them from people like him. Also, you totally deserve to have a second chance at love. Go out and find someone, Jin. Or give this guy a chance." She told me with a big smile.

"Thanks Jisoo, but I'll only go out and look for one, only if you go too. Because you are a beautiful, young lady with an amazing personality and daughter, who didn't deserve to have her husband taken away like that." I tell her while shoving her a little.

"Thanks, Jin." She said smiling. "Well I have to go pick up the boys now, you good here?"

"Yeah, good. Thanks for watching them, Ji." I say smiling

"No problem. You'd do the same for me, silly." She laughed and I laughed too.

She left and I went back to do work and help the employees when needed, mostly in the kitchen helping the cooks get my recipe to taste correct. I don't mind that at all, I love cooking.

Namjoon POV:
After I picked the boys up from school, I got a text from my mom demanding that me and the boys go visit her today. So I did that, my mom can be very scary too at times when you don't listen to her.

"Hi, mom." I said after she opened the door.

"Oh my baby, look at you." She said as she looked at me but hugging me and giving me a kiss on the cheek. I hugged her tightly back because I don't get to see her a lot.

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