Meeting my Family pt.2

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Jungkook POV:
I brought Jimin-hyung and Taehyung-hyung into the kitchen. I walked over to my supply cabinet and opened it. I turned back to see their eyes light up at the amount of stickers.

"Hyungs, you guys can pick one from here." I told them.

"Why do you have so many stickers?" Jimin-hyung asks.

"To make my Dexcom and pump look good." I tell them with a big bunny smile.

"You have a cute smile, Jungkook." Taehyung-hyung said to me before going and looking for a sticker.

I blush and say a quiet "Thank you, Hyung."

After they each picked a sticker, we walked back into the living room where Dad, Namjoon-shii, and my hyungs were sitting.

Jin POV:
I was the first to notice the three boys walking but into the room. I smiled at them "Did you find one, boys?" I asked.

They nodded and showed me the sticker they chose. Jimin had a batman sticker while Taehyung had a minion one.

 Jimin had a batman sticker while Taehyung had a minion one

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(Jimin's sticker)

(Taehyung's sticker)

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(Taehyung's sticker)

"Great choices, boys."I say as I pull Jungkook closer to me after he sat down next to me. He smiled up at me and I smiled at him.

"Jin-shii, can we see your backyard?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah, we saw it from the driveway and it looked awesome." Taehyung added.

"Sure, I don't see why not. Come on." I tell them as I get up and lead everyone outside.

"Yes!" The twins say.

I opened the door to the backyard and my kids immediately ran to the toys they wanted to play with. Yoongi to the patio chair, probably to sleep. Hoseok and Jungkook to the trampoline.

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