A Loving Night

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I don't know if he pulled me there or if I crawled there, but somehow I ended up on his lap, straddling it. He licked my lip and I opened my mouth for him. Without a fight, I let Namjoon take control.

His hands went on my waist, moving me against his semi-hard friend. I moaned at his actions. Now, his friend is really poking against my butt, but I don't have room to talk because mine is poking his stomach.

"Oh gosh, Jin. I want you so badly."

"Then take me, Joon."

Jin POV:
"Then take me, Joon." I whispered seductively into his ear.

His eyes go, wide and his mouth fell open. He snapped out of his trance and said "Jin, are you sure? We don't need to do anything if y-"

"Namjoon, stop talking. I want to do this. I trust you and I love you, so I'm well ready. Come on, already." I say to him.

"Ok then." He said as he swung his legs around and stood up with me in his arms. He then started to walk to his house.

"So strong." I say seductively as I wrap my legs around him and put my hands on his shoulders.

"You have no idea." He said back while turning off a switch that made everything in his backyard turn off.

"You're going to help me understand right?" I ask, whiney.

"Of course, Princess." He purred as he walked through the door and closed it.

I smile and lean down and kiss him. I love it when he calls me 'Princess'. It makes me feel weird inside. It's a good feeling. It's something that I've never felt before. I like it.

"I love it when you call me 'Princess', Joonie." I say as we reach his bedroom.

He gently put me down on his bed "Oh really?" He said as he crawled on top of me.

"Yeah, it makes me feel weird in a good way."  I tell him as I grab his face and caress it.

"Well I'm going to make you feel weird in a good way with more than just my voice." He said as he started to kiss me roughly.

I moan at the roughness and pull him closer to me by his neck. He licks my lip, but this time I don't open my mouth and continue to kiss him.

He growled a little, it was very hot if I do say so myself, and he put his hand under my butt and tightly gripped it. I gasped at this, giving him an opportunity to stick his tongue in my mouth.

His tongue was moving everywhere in my mouth. I closed my mouth and sucked on his tongue. He groans at me doing this. I smirk at his sounds. He slowly starts to kiss down my neck.

"Ah, Joonie." I moan as he bites on my neck.

He starts to suck where he had just bit. Creating a hickey on my neck. "Mine" He growled in English before kissing my lips again.

I moaned and tugged on the hem of his shirt. He sat up and took his shirt, revealing his very ripped body. I was drooling, and reached my hand out and touched his chest.

"Do you like what you see?" He asked me.

"Oui beaucoup" (Yes, very much.) I say to him in French.

He leaned down and kissed me. "Oh, I love it when you speak French."

"Ouais?" (Yeah?) I say to him.

"Yes~" He said as he pushed his hand under my shirt and started to play with my nipple.

"Ngh~ Joonie." I moaned.

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