Man in my Bed

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No one POV:
Everything in Jin's house was completely quiet. Everyone in the house was asleep. But Jin's garage door opened and closed very quietly. The person snuck into the house and up the stairs. No one heard this person coming up the stairs because the person was being extremely quiet.

Once reaching the top of the stairs, the person walked straight to Jin's room. The person smiled when they saw him. They slowly made their way to the bed, Jin was sleeping, and removed their clothes and got into bed with Jin. They breathed in Jin's scent and relaxed next to Jin. They wrapped their around Jin's waist in a protective manner.

Jin POV:
I heard my bedroom door open and close. I swear I locked my doors. I was scared but I had to stay calm for the kids here. I felt the person get into bed with me and wrap their arm around my waist. I slowly turned around and saw…

"Joonie?" I say surprised and happily.

He looks at me and smiles widely with his cute dimples "Hi, Jinnie." He said to me.

"Hi. What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be back until tomorrow afternoon." I say to him, shocked.

"After my last concert, I was put on the next flight here. Apparently, I have something to do in Korea on Friday, so they want me to rest up." Namjoon tells me.

"Oh ok. Well go to sleep then, mister." I tell him as I flip back over away from him.

I feel his body move closer "I can't yet." I heard him say. I was about to ask him why, but then I feel a hand go in my pants and start to stroke me slowly.

"I need to reclaim my Queen first." He said seductively into my ear.

I put my head back in pleasure as his hand moves faster "B-but Joonie the k-kids." I say while quivering.

"Then be quiet, Seokjin." Namjoon said in a deep voice. I don't know why, but him saying my name like that sent a chill down my spine.

He pushes me down so that I'm fully on my back. He slowly leans down to capture my lips. I watch, through half open eyelids, as his face gets closer and closer to mine before my eyes flutter close right before his lips touch mine.

His hand moves from my now hard member to my waist. His tongue gently caresses my bottom lip requesting an entrance. I opened my mouth and felt as his tongue slowly slid into my mouth playing with mine.

He pulls away from me and stops moving. I opened my eyes to see what he was doing. He was just staring at me with a smirk on his face. He gently grabbed the side of my face and let his thumb slowly move across my cheek.

"I missed this beautiful face right here. I missed touching it, kissing it, and most importantly the person it's attached to." Namjoon said softly as he did it.

I smiled and put my arms around his neck and pulled him back down to my lips.

His left hand reaches up and grabs the top button of my shirt. He unbuttons it and repeats this action with the rest of them on my shirt.

Joon starts to slowly kiss down my neck and exposed chest. I closed my eyes and just relaxed in the bed and let Joonie do.

"Ah~" I groaned quietly as Namjoon sucks on my left nipple and then licks over it slowly and gently. 

He smirks at my reaction and does the same with the other, making them both hard and sensitive. Namjoon's right leg flings over me so that he was straddling me.

He groans as his hands flow over my body. "How did I get so likely. Twice." He said while leaning down and kissing my collarbone and shoulder, leaving nice hickeys on them.

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