Chapter Twelve

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A/N: This is dedicated to my number one fan, Orange_Ninja20. Thank you.

Chapter Twelve


Lacey’s POV



"Let me see your hand Lie. I think you bruised your knuckles."

"It's okay Lace. It doesn't hurt."

"Charlotte Kingston.." I gave her a look. "Let. Me. See. Your. Hand." I forcefully yanked her hand out of her jacket pocket.

"Why do you have to use my first name like that?" She pouted like a 5 year old.

"Oh just let me see your hand." There was some light bruising forming. If she didn't put ice on it, by tomorrow it would be worse. "Lie we need to get some ice for your hand."

"It's okay. I didn't break it. That's very good." She pulled her hand away, kissed me and got out the car.

"Lie. Where are you going?" I heard her open the trunk. I looked behind me through the back window just as she closed it. She had a guitar in her hand.

I jumped out of the car and shut the door with lots of enthusiasm. I loved it when she sang. Her voice was so sexy, very sexy.

"I've been working on this for weeks. And it so happens, today is the perfect day to sing it to you." I got on my tippy toes and kissed her cheek. She picked me up and placed me on the trunk of the car. "Now I would take you to our place, but the ground is covered in snow. So you just sit there, looking pretty, okay?"

"Yes sir!" I saluted her with a serious face.

She laughed, shook her head at me and began strumming on the guitar. She played a beautiful melody before taking a breath and singing.

"I met this girl one day. She was of red, brown and white. She was more than your average Jane. I would never find someone else like her.

"And I'll spend my whole life with her. I'll love her til the end of eternity. Because she promised me, she promised me the world. She promised me, she promised me the world.

"She talked real cute and fast. She told me everything and none. And when she was done. I knew she was the one for me." My heart was pounding fast in my chest. I imagine this was how Charlie felt every time she was near me. I got major butterflies instead, whenever she was near me.

"And I'll spend my whole life with her because I love her so. Because she promised me, she promised me the world. Oh, she promised me, she promised me the world.

"Nothing will change my mind, nothing will break my spirit. She's the one for me. And I'll tell her for the rest of our lives.

"Because I'll spend my whole life with her, loving her so with all my heart. Because she promised me, she promised me the world. Oh, she promised me, she promised me the world." She strummed for one last time and the song was over. I couldn't contain what I felt. I jumped off the car and rushed into her arms. She caught me in her embrace and I kissed her for all I was worth. I guess I was more weight than she expected and we toppled over. She hit the ground and I fell right on top.

"Oh my God. Are you okay Lie?" I was panicing. What if she fell on the guitar? What if pieces of it were embedded into her back? What if I made her break her favorite guitar?

"Yeah I think so, but I don't think I'll be able to play this guitar anymore. We got some snow in it." She lifted it, snow in the body.

"Oh thank god," I breathe out in relief. I would really hate myself if I had gotten her hurt.

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