Note 12

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You texted me back. I don't know why I was surprised but I was.

Hey doll.

I figured it was about time I texted you.

I'm not complaining.

A blush spread over my cheeks, heating my body, thankful that you didn't mind the late reply.

How are you doing?

It took you a few to reply, sitting patiently waiting with a book in my lap that I immediately set down once I heard you replied back.

I'm stressed. Schoolwork is weighing me down.

I'm here if you need any help.

You left it at that. No response for the rest of the day. I didn't know whether I said the wrong thing or if you just didn't want to text. No matter. I'd just wait til you texted me back this time.


Love, Briella | ✓Where stories live. Discover now