New beginnings

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It was the middle of the night when all our luggages were in the car. I looked at Ed with sad eyes because as much as I loved him, this was our last night together and he knew it. We didn't talk on our way home. What was left to say? I fall asleep because I couldn't stand the tense air. I wake up when we ere almost home.

-"Call Olivia" i whispered. I couldn't find my voice. I was so sad, my soul was in million pieces. He didn't ask why, he just sighed.

-"Olivia? Yeah, I know it's late but we have to meet." Silence "Yes now, please! Ok, kiss you."

"Kiss you"? Are you for real? I looked at desperate at him. Even now he acts like an asshole. I remembered the dark alley, his tongue, his... I shivered. How I let this happen?

Olivia was waiting for us in a transparent silk robe and under it I could see the garter belt. I shake my head. She thought Ed was coming over to fuck her, again. Ed, on the other hand, was smiling on the corner of his mouth. I wanted to punch him, but I hold back this instinct. My best friend has a shock when she saw me in the car.

-"Olivia" I said "I'm sorry to wake you up in the middle of the night but I want to say something important." I smiled as I know this is t5he end of our friendship.

-"Yes I know about the ring!" she said with a happy voice while her eyes were searching for the ring.  "Where is your ring, Blair?" she asked suspicious.

-"No ring Olivia." I quickly said. "I wanted to say that you guys" - I was looking at Ed too - "You guys have my blessing to do whatever you want to do" i laughed. Ed didn't say a word while he was there but I sense some confusion in his head. He wanted both of us, actually he loved both of us.

-"Blair, oh, I'm so sorry! It was a mistake, I swear!" she said with her voice shaking.

"Mistake was if it happened only once!" I yelled and tuned to Ed. "You fucked her in a couple of months more than you fucked me in years!" i almost cry saying these things out loud. "Was that a mistake too?" No answer.

I grabbed Ed's luggages and throw out of the car. I fixed the driver chair and I drive as far as possible from them, leaving them perplexed and speechless. I start to cry so laud. My chest hurts me, my head was spinning and ears were burning. I drove to my parents house. My mom saw me and she told my father to ask no questions yet. I fall asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.

***************************************1 MONTH LATER****************************************

It was time for me to move to LA city as I planned. My parents were so proud of me and couldn't help it to think that maybe this will be a good change for me. Ed and Olivia tried to reach me since that night but I didn't want to talk with them. To say what? I don't know if they are together or not, and honestly I don't care.

I kissed my parents and get in the car which was full of my stuff. I drove for an hour or so until I entered in the new city which will be my new home for a while. It was actually a good feeling since I didn't know anyone here. It was like i started from scratch. My new apartment wasn't far from the center so in a few minutes I arrived on the alley and parked my car. I carry all my stuff for 2 hours and then I started to organize them.

It was a small apartment with one bedroom but it was so cozy, it was love at first sight. I took a shower and went to bed early because next day it was the first day of university. I was so nervous and relived that my past was no part of my future.

Next day I woke early. I was so elated to meet my new colleagues. I brushed my hair, made some braids and a messy bun. I found a white dress which was perfect on my olive skin tone, put some makeup on, and I'm ready to go.

It took me 20 minute to find the class where I was assigned. All of my colleagues were already there, waiting for the professor. As I entered the door, all eyes were focused on me.

-"Hi" i said with half of my voice.

-"You are our professor?" a boy asked.

-" No, I'm just late" i laughed and I sat down in the last row. All students were back to whatever they did before I entered the room.

The professor was 30 minutes late. He apologized and started to introduce himself. The time was up before I introduce myself to the class. Next time guys. I have 4 classes that day. On the last one, i hit a chair next to a pale skinny boy. I couldn't help, I had to stare at him for a while. The professor enters in class and this time I had to introduce myself.

-"Hi! I'm Blair Higgins, your new classmate from now on." i laughed. Everyone smiled at me and I was thrilled and hopped for them to like me.

The professor starts to introduce what we will be study for the next semester. I wasn't pay attention because Olivia texted me 30 time in the last 4 hours. I never respond back, but this situation is starting to be very annoying. Out of nowhere I felt a hand on my shoulder and I froze.

-"You should pay attention" i heard a voice behind me.

I turned around... No way... How can this happen to me?

-"You are...?" i whispered.

-"Yes the boy from the beach and from your class" he interrupts me.

-"But how?" i asked. I was in shock. I keep running into this boy. I don't believe this is a coincidence honestly.

-"What? Do you think I follow you?" he asked me with anger in his voice.

-"No, I'm sorry" i said with my eyes on the ground. I turned around ashamed of myself that I allowed to believe that. Even so, he was so beautiful in so many ways, it couldn't be real. Suddenly my shoulder starts to burn. AGAIN! I put my hand on it and started to tighten slowly.

-"The pain will disappear!" i heard from behind me. This time his voice sounded kind of sad.

-"How do you know I am in pain?" i asked with both my eyebrows raised. His eyes looked deep into mine as he was looking at my soul and i think he did, but I didn't care. How can someone be so beautiful?!

-"Just trust me" he whispered without losing sight of my eyes. I rolled up my eyes.

-"Whatever" i said and I walked out of the class. My head was spinning as I drove to my house. Who is this guy and why i keep running into him?

With my thoughts in so many directions I didn't notice when I arrived, but i freeze when I saw Ed in front o my apartment door. This guy... What is he doing here?

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