Snapped chapter 5

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It was Sunday morning, Izuku's roommates were nowhere to be found. Izuku had stayed up all night with his unwanted guests who keep showing him videos of there petty crime.

"And then they had the audacity to sell day-old expired yogurt." Gentle said laughing at the last part.

"Oh, Gentle you so amazing." La Brava said fangirling. "Just kill me." Izuku said sitting in the middle of them on the couch. 

As if on cue the league is back as they walk through a purple mist in the kitchen. "Wadup bitches!" Twice yelled for no reason.

"Where have you guys been?" Izuku asked them. "Look who cares all of a sudden." Dabi said.

"No. Its because you left without doing your chores, they're holes in the walls, a severed hand in the couch, and some wired guy who has been showing me boring videos." Izuku said to which Gentle felt a bit insulted

"Boring?!" Gentle said to Izuku who continued. "Yes! Your just messing with stores that have expired product. Wooptydoo!" "Food poisoning is no laughing matter." Gentle said proudly. 

"Wait, who are you?"  Shigaraki asked Gentle. "I'm Gentle the gentle criminal, and with my partner La Brava! And we are here to fight you League of villains." Gentle said while he and La Brava stroke a pose.

"I want to stab that little girl." Himiko said a little too happy. "I'll just burn them." Dabi said somewhat bored. "NO! No fighting in here!" Izuku told them.

"Relax drama queen, we'll just fight them some other time." Shigiraki tells him. "No, all of you need to leave. You don't do your chores, the house is a mess, you keep leaving your fucking hands everywhere, and Himiko took advantage of me!" Izuku shouted at them.

"Hey, you threw in a few moves too." Himiko replies smugly. "I don't care everyone just leave! Get out! Get out." Izuku tells them as he opens the door for them only too see Aizawa, a cop, and Bakughoe- I mean Bakugou getting out of a taxi. 

"Get in! Get in!" Izuku says as he shuts the door. "The cops are outside." He tells them. "What do we do? I don't wanna be Tekashi 69 but if worst comes to worst." Kurogiri told them. "You're a literal portal!" Dabi reminds him. "Oh yeah." He said before teleporting himself out leaving everybody else here. 

Izuku facepalm. "What now?" Asked Shigaraki. "Upstairs. There is a house lower than mine. You can jump on it and leave." Izuku tells them as they reluctantly gather their things.

Upstairs they were leaving through the window, but not before Shigaraki and Himiko got to say their goodbyes.  

"I hate you, and your hero name is lame!" Shigaraki shouted before he jumped out the window. Izuku just shrugged it off and looked at Himiko who was being really quiet. which was definitely not like her at all.

"Hey your up next." Izuku spoke quietly to her. "I just wanted to tell you something." She told him as they hear the doorbell ring. "It's going to have to be quick." He says to her. 

"Thank you. You let all of us live with you after everything we did to you...and your classmates I guess. But you, you helped us when we were at our lowest point when everyone else had turned their backs to us. You treated us like people instead of villains. And for a moment, we forgot we were villains." She tells him as she walks up to him and hugs him.

She gives him a kiss on his cheek and walks to the window. Before she jumps out she tells him. "You're my favorite hero."

Izuku was frozen in place. What Himi- what Toga said really hit him hard. He didn't realize the impact he had on them. He was so fixated on them leaving he didn't even consider their feelings.

'Some hero I'am.' Izuku thinks angrily at himself. He brought out of his train of thoughts as he hears another doorbell ring

Izuku runs to the door while trying to look presentable to his unwanted guest. He opens the door for Aizawa, the cop, and Bakugou and greets them.

"Mr. Midoriya, I have a warrant to search the premises. There have been reports of criminals being sighted here." The officer informs him.

Izuku angrily looks at Bakugou. "Just say it was Bakugou, he's the only one saying those things! Look if you want to waste my time go right ahead, but sweaty hands ain't coming in." Izuku said only letting the cop and Aizawa in but not Bakugou.

They agree to his terms and leave Bakugou outside. Once inside they see the house is a mess, dishes in the sink, trash all over, and the walls have a bunch of holes.

The officer shrugged it off as normal, but Aizawa knew Izuku. Izuku was a hygienic person, he assumed Izuku would be the same with his property.

"A word." Aizawa told Izuku as the cop went to search deeper into the house. "If this is about the "villain" that Bakugoe said I-" "It's not that." Aizawa said cutting Izuku off. "Then what is it?" Izuku asked.

"A new dorm system is going to be implemented and it's mandatory for all students." Aizawa tells him. Leaving Izuku with no choice, he agrees to it. After some time the officer comes back and confirms that there is no villains in the house.

They then go outside and Bakugou sitting on the sidewalk like a little kid. "So did you find them?" Bakugou asked them. "Yes, Katsuki. Don't you see them all cuffed? Dumbass." Izuku tells Bakugou surprising both him and Aizawa. 'Must be under a lot of stress.' Aizawa presumes. 

"No villains here. Although it does seem more than one person lived here, but that's another story. Thank you for your cooperation." The officer tells them. "Alright, Bakugou. It's over no more of this, got it?" Aizawa tells Bakugou who just nods reluctantly. 

"Now both of you get your stuff pack for the dorms, you have three days." Aizawa says to them as he and the cop left.

Bakugou makes sure they're alone before speaking. "You know this ain't over, right?" Izuku just lets out a long sigh. "Go home, Katsuki. I have some chores to do." Izuku tells him while closing his door only to be stopped by a hand. 

Bakugou was holding the door from closing, trying to get a scare out of Izuku, but to no avail. Izuku didn't even flinch, living with villains might do that for ya. "Well well well, look who finally grew some balls! Don't go thinking your some hotshot because of those lowlifes hyping you up!" Bakugou tells him.

Izuku stepped forward getting in Bakugou's face. And truth be told Bakugou got a bit scared for a sec. Izuku wasn't saying anything, more like if he was seeing if Bakugou would do anything, but he wasn't.

"W-whatever, you lucky I got things to do!" Bakugou says as he walks away a little shook. Izuku closes the door and puts his hand on his knees as he breaths heavily.

He couldn't believe he stood up to Bakugou like that. Usually, he's able to control himself but as if he was on autopilot. Hopefully, this won't be a problem.

"Are they gone?" A man asks from the stairs taking Izuku out of his train of thoughts. Looking at the stairs he sees Gentle and La brava are still here.

"You've been here the whole time?" Izuku asked them. "Yeah. The cop almost saw a few times, but luckily we're masters at hiding." La brava says as they strike a pose.

Izuku blinks a few times before snapping again. Using his full cowl, he grabs them by their callers and throws them out of the house.

"Wait we still need that fight for YouTube. We need that sweet ad revenue." Gentle says on the floor. Izuku was about to close his door but then he looks back at them.

"GET A JOB, MORONS!" Izuku shouts at them and slams the door. It's amazing how some adults still act like children.

Izuku throws himself on the couch feeling emotionally draind. 'Maybe things will get better.' Izuku thinks to himself not knowing what fate has in store for him.

Sorry this took so long been extra busy you know coronavirus and riots killer Hornets or something.  Also sorry if this one is a bit more serious then usual. It's setting up for more funny stuff next time.  Anyway here it is ily and I'll see you in the next.

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