Chapter 1

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    This is my first story so the first chapters are kinda bad and short but don't worry they'll get longer an better. Feedback is appreciated!!

Hopes POV
I stepped out of the car In front of the huge Salvatore school. I couldn't believe my dad helped Dr.saltsman build this school because of me. I was about to walk to my room when two girls came in front of me.
"Hi I'm Lizzie." The blonde one said.
"I'm Josie." the brunette one said.

" the brunette one said

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"Twins, fraternal ovs. We'll be your tour guides for today!" The one named Lizzie said.
Just as I was thinking this day couldn't get any worse.
"So what's your name?" Josie said.
"Hope, hope Marshall." I replied. There was no way I was telling anyone in this school about me being a tribrid or a mikaelson.
—————————2 hours later————————
The tour was finally over I thought it was never gonna end. Unfortunately after the tour was over I had to go to Dr.Saltsman office to go over the rules. But let's be honest I'm not gonna follow them anyways so I decided to go to my room and start unpacking. When I heard a knock at my door I opened it to find the one and only Dr.saltsman. Of course he knew what I was and my parents the whole story.
"You didn't come by my office." He said
"Yeah I figured there was no point since I'm not gonna follow your rules anyways." I said as I turned around to finish unpacking.
"Listen I know you're upset about your paren-" I cut him off turning around and blasting him back with magic I don't mean to it just happened.

"Listen I know you're upset about your paren-" I cut him off turning around and blasting him back with magic I don't mean to it just happened

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New girl Hope Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now