Once third period is over, lunch starts and I walk to the area where my group sits. Kya walls over to me and slings her arm over my right shoulder.

"So, you're finally letting your hair down for once, eh?" I look to my left at the ponytail resting on my shoulder then back over to Kya. 

She rolls her eyes at me. "Don't be like that you know what I'm talking about. You're finally going to a party with us!"

"Right, like you guys are such party animals," I remind her. "You magnet school honor roll kids have never been to a real high school party. You're just as uptight as I am, just with less siblings to take care of."

"Ok sure whatever," Olivia chimes in, "but you're the one in like a billion AP classes with straight A's. You could go out if you wanted to, you just never want to."

"Parties just aren't my scene. I'd rather hang out with you losers." I nudge Link's arm. He's been awfully quiet today...wait, is he staring at me? I take a minute to stop thinking and return his gaze. I can't seem to pull away, it's like no matter what position I'm in his eyes would always be the perfect resting place. For once, my mind is absolutely blank until I realize what's happening and I pull away.

"Hello? Link?" Anthony was trying to catch our attention. I don't think any of them noticed what just happened though. At least I hope not.

"Uhh yah sorry, what did you want?" Link looks to me for reassurance but I just shrug. I didn't hear a word Tony had said either.

"What's with you today, man? I was asking how we're splitting up into cars tonight." Oh yah, I didn't even think about that. I turn to Link for a response, now wondering the same thing.

"I don't know, ask Kya. It's her brother and his friends who're taking us. Why'd you even ask me?"

"Because, dimwit, they're your TA buddies, not mine. Kyle only agreed to take us because you were coming, he said he'd work things out with you," Kya reminds him. He has been kind of spacey today. I wonder what's up. Fully forgetting an entire plan that he made is really unlike him.

"Shit, you're right. Sorry about that, I was just a little distracted." He looks over at me for a second just out of the corner of his eye and feel myself get nervous wondering if anyone noticed that.

Lincoln explains the plan for the car split and I can't stop thinking about what just happened with us and how weird it was. I'm usually one to get easily distracted but not like that. And for Link that was very out of character. Anthony is right, he has been wowed today.

I never even realized how pretty his eyes can be when there's just enough sun. Oh god what's wrong with me. Lincoln is my friend, I need to stop.

I snap out of my spaceiness long enough to realize lunch is over. We all split off into groups to get to class but Will pulls me aside.

"Anything you wanna tell me?" Uh oh. Play dumb.

"What are you talking about?" That might've been too dumb.

"Oh come on, you and Link at lunch. That was weird. Are you two...like...together or something?" Leave it to William to be the silent observer.

"No, that was just weird. He's been all distracted today-"

"You mean like you usually are" Will cuts in. Jackass.

"Yes, like I usually am. But I dunno, I guess our distractedness just played off of each other today and we made weird eye contact, I don't know Will why are you asking me this?"

"Just...no reason, it felt out of place for you two. I know you already shot him down once before and...I don't know, sorry for bugging you." He got really nervous and lost all of his composure. What's going on with him?

"No, you're right. It was weird, but it was nothing. He's just off today for some reason. Now let's get to class already." We walk into class together and take our seats.

We go through fifth and then seventh periods before the school day is over. I start walking over to the locker rooms to get ready for volleyball when I see Link a few paces ahead of me. By sheer instinct I begin speeding up to catch up but I stop myself. I don't know if I want to be alone with him right now. What happened was weird but I don't want him making a big deal out of it and having an uncomfortable talk about it. I'd rather just stay here for now.

I walk to the locker rooms alone and meet up with Kya and Stella once I'm in there. We chat a little about the party even though Stella can't make it. She assures me that Kylie's parties are timid, even for them.

We finally get on the court and I see Lincoln practicing with the boys. I see Henry too. Oh yah that happened too...

Wait, am I a whore?

I snap out of it when coach blows the whistle and tells us we'll be scrimmaging each other in a "king of the court" style practice tournament. Both Henry and Lincoln start to jog over to my court...opposite of me...face to face. Uh oh.

Henry gets there first and gives me a smirk. Link sees it and doesn't stop jogging. Instead he looks over at me and goes over to where Henry is to do what I assume is asking to trade courts. Henry laughs a little and shakes his head 'no'. They talk a little bit more and I start to get nervous. Why the hell am I nervous. If I had to pick it would be Link. Wait no. That's not what I meant. Ugh whatever.

Neither of them are smiling anymore and they both look over in my direction with the same look on their face. 'How do you know this guy?'

Ok I think this definitely makes me a whore.

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