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"She actually didn't do the WHOLE thing...even I'm not that bad...wait, so did you finish it?" Anthony is cracking up and can't even compose himself enough to form a full sentence as Christina tells him and Elenor the story while we walk towards our spot.

I throw my backpack down then put my head on the table and groan. I just had what was probably the biggest adrenaline rush of my life. Well, maybe not, but it sure as hell felt like it.

"Yes Tony, of course I finished it. I can't believe I forgot it in the first place, I just want to go to sleep." I whine the last few words as I close my eyes, head still on the table.

I hadn't entirely realized how tense I was until I felt my back relax at the familiar touch of a hand on my cotton tee. I turn my head and smile to greet Link's own genuine one.

After things stopped being weird between us, Link and I got very close. It's incredibly weird to think back to how I only met him a little while back, when it feels like he's been with me my whole life.

"Everything okay?" I see the genuine concern in his eyes. This boy is damn perfect. I'm so lucky to have him in my corner.

"Yah just tired." He gives me a look.

"Right, from your mathematical equivalent to a marathon." He's grinning now. He played me like the cheap kazoo I am. Bastard.

"Thank god for Photomath." I look up when I hear a random upperclassman behind me say 'amen!', "Where'd you hear?" I've gone back to eyes closed and nose pressed against the plastic of the table.

"Ellie, please, I have first and second period with you, I could tell you were distracted the whole time... then Chris told me in third." I hear her giggle from a few heads over.

Christina, you're a huge pain in my ass.

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