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"Oh come on Ellie, you're not a whore!" I would usually talk to Christina or Link about stuff like this but neither are really an option in this situation, so I turned to William.

"Sure, but I really felt like one, Will. Like a whore who doesn't even get laid." He just laughs at me.

"It's not like you fucked either of them. Or even made out with them. You didn't even talk to them! It was just weird eye contact with them both."

"Yah, two guys who I already know like me. I feel bad. Like I led them both on through extremely uncomfortable eye contact. It's why I'm a whoorreee Wiiilllll." By the end of the sentence I'm entirely whining.

"I don't know about Henry, El, but you didn't look uncomfortable with Link." That's because I wasn't. If anything, I felt a level of comfort even my bed can't provide. I'd never tell him that though.

"Okay okay whatever Will. Hey, why aren't you coming to the party tonight?" The two of us are walking to the parking lot together since we both stayed after school (William had an ROV meeting). Usually I'd walk with Link, but I didn't really want to talk to him.

"What makes you think I'd want to go?"

"C'mon, I know if Elenor texted me about, she texted everyone. Why can't you make it?" He just sighs.

"You know, you creep us all out. I don't know how you always know everything, but you do and it's scary." I just roll my eyes at him. It's called common sense. "I have this dinner thing with my family. My dad wants us to meet his new girlfriend." Oh.

"How are you feeling about that?"

"Fine. To be honest I don't really care. Thanks for asking though." He turns over his shoulder and then down at his phone. "Ha the universe is loving you today. I have to go but you have company." He starts walking away but points behind me. It's Lincoln. Uh oh.

I stop walking so he can jog over.

"Hey, you practically ran out of the locker room. What happened?" Double uh oh.

"Uh right, sorry. I just saw Will and wanted to catch up." I mean that's technically true.

"I mean you could've waited for me..." crap, "listen I know things got weird today. Between lunch and Henry, I don't know, I'm sorry. I guess I just didn't realized you cared. I didn't think it bothered you that much." Uhhh...What?

After realizing what he'd just said, he tried to salvage it. "I didn't mean you don't care. I just meant that...uh."

"No, it's okay. I didn't think I cared either." Shit, my face feels all hot, am I blushing? "Lunch...was weird but it shouldn't have mattered to me as much as it did. I'm sorry. I let it get weird and I just...I don't even know what to say because I don't even know what happened and-" He took my hand in his. Ummmm...

He started leaning in close like he was about to kiss me. Is this...happening? I should be freaking out. I should be worried, right? The craziest part was that I wasn't. Here we were, possibly about to ruin our friendship and I didn't care. All for someone who I thought I didn't even have feelings for. Yah well apparently I was wrong.

I'm just about to close my eyes and close the gap when I actually realize the consequences of this. I pull away and apologize quickly.

"Dammit Link, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to...I just..."

"You wanted to kiss me. I know you did, Ellie. I know you did because I know you. You're my best friend, I know how you are."

"Exactly, Lincoln. You're my best friend. I'm scared, I don't want to ruin anything between us, Link. I'm so sorry." Dontcrydontcrydontcry...

He just sighs and looks down for a second. "It's okay. I get it." He cheers up and smiles at me. "Plus we're in the middle if the quad. It would be kind of awkward if we were interrupted." Thank god. This isn't going to make things weird between us.

I notice Henry walking over. "Speaking of interruptions, that's my cue. Got to go. See ya later Link."

"See ya later, El." He flashes a smile and we both walk off.

Wait...what the fuck just happened?

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