Chill Part 2

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I can't explain how angry I am right now. I can't believe that he would do some shit like that to me. I can't believe he would be that stupid to kiss another girl when he knew I was picking him up. I can't believe any of this shit. This is all so unreal to me. I just wanna go home and cry my eyes out to someone and it definitely won't be his bitch ass. I really need my Bestie right now! She's out of town on vacation with her boo while I'm here getting hurt by mine. You know what, I'm to grown for this shit. I don't deserve any of this that Ronnie is putting me through. And this isn't the first time he did something like this. ~Flashback~ One time we were at Chipotle and I got up to go get a cup of sauce for my burrito, I turn around to see this no good nigga hugging all on this girl and grabbing her ass! My ass got in the car and took off, leaving him at Chipotle. He got home and claimed that it was a fan and that she wanted a hug and that his hand brushed pass her ass. To be honest I was younger and dumber so I let it go. Then One evening we were at his friends' birthday party. I was all dressed up and looking absolutely amazing. This nigga gonna go get me a drink and while he was at the drink table a girl walks up to him. They talk for a bit and then out of no where she pulls on his tie and kisses him! My heart dropped into a million pieces on the floor when I seen him Kiss back and then grab her ass. I walked over there as calm as possible, trying not to get ghetto at this party and slapped the living hell out of him. I got in the car and sped home, called Y/B/F/N over and cried to her. After that Ronnie and I didn't talk for weeks until he finally took me out and apologized to me, and of course I forgave him. Again, I was younger and dumber. But today, there is no forgiving. I'm about to get real ghetto at this airport. ~End of Flashback~ I looked him straight in the eyes. "You're a piece of SHIT RONNIE!!" I screamed at him causing a scene. Everyone was looking at us, but I didn't care. "How could you do this to me!?" I started punching his chest repeatedly "Huh?! How Bitch?!" He tried to grab my arms but instead I reached back and brought my fist forward punching him right in the face. After that the security came and got me off of him. "You're a bitch ass nigga!!" I screamed as the security took me away. They told me to calm down before they have to call the police on me. "I'm calm. I'm calm. I promise...I'm calm." "Are you sure Ma'am?" "YES." "Okay." They started to walk away. That was my chance! I turned around and charged at the girl Ronnie kissed and punched her dead in her nose.

*Part 3?*

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