Chapter one- California

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My name is Brice Hunt and this is my story, I was born on June 1 2001 I live with my mom just right outside of town. I have a dad but he lives in Idaho on a ranch and this summer I plan on meeting him for the first time since 2011. I am the only sibling but I herd my dad got married and I have a step sister now. I have 4 horse's in Idaho and two of the them are colts. And no I do not know what they  look like and I don't know there names yet. A fun fact about  me is I have a service dog who is 18 weeks  old and in training because my other one is retiring  soon because we found out he has a disorder which is arthritis. And that is all about me. 

The teacher wanted me to tell them what I have but than Bailey started getting up and jumped  up on me telling me to take a deep breath. I really did not want to do it but than the teacher stated forcing me to tell the class.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

 " Well I have a service dog because I have panic attacks 24/7 so I have to be careful and that is why my dog jumped up on me." I was done talking when some kid named James asked me what a panic attack was? I told him that a panic attack  is the abrupt onset of intense fear or discomfort that reaches a peak within minutes and includes at least four of the following symptoms: Palpitations, pounding heart, or accelerated heart rate. Sweating. Trembling or shaking. Sensations of shortness of breath or smothering." 

I hated having panic attacks because when I need my mom the most she is always out partying like she is a freaking teenager again. So I had to move out of her house which is where there is drugs and I had to move in with her parents which are my grandpa and grandma so they take care of me.

It was now lunch time and I did not want to go into the lunchroom because I felt mad about my teacher making me feel uncomfortable. I decided to go outside and sit down I walked with my dog and sat down on the grass. I was waiting for the bell to ring when some bullies walked by and through a rock at my dog. I got up and yelled bloody murder than a teacher walked over and started asking me what was wrong. " She through a rock at my dog."

 I later learned that the girl that threw the rock at my dog had a name and it was Sofia. Sofia was a 18 year old girl with a bad attitude which needs to be worked on. She looked like she has a maid living with her. I herd the bell ring and started walking off to class when I saw one of my moms friends aka a gang leader. Started to  run but than Jason caught me and told me to come with him. I listened to him because if I did not than I would get hurt. He told me that I should join the gang but I did not want to join than he told me that I should go to Idaho in three week and live there so I would not get hurt down here in California from my mom who is a drug addict.

School was over and I now was getting dressed into sweats and a tank top. I than started eating left over cake and chips and salsa. I started watching youtube and than I started watching Netflix. I than started doing homework which was not fun. I than had to make dinner which was a hamburger, salad, and french fries. After cooking I went to answer the door and saw Jesse he was also apart of a gang and he told me that I need to leave next week instead of in three weeks. I asked him how I was going to go down there and he told me that he would drive me down there instead of me taking a plane. I kissed his cheek and hugged him than went inside and started packing my bags for next week. I than started eating and after eating I did the dishes. I than went into my bathroom and started brushing my teeth than rinsed my mouth out with mouth wash. I than got into bed and fell asleep.

(A/N) You guys I was half way asleep when I made this chapter so don't judge me on it. 

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