Part 4

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There was a knock at the door followed by, "Kildare County sheriff's department."

I looked around as to where we could go. The outside window was our best shot. While John B closed up the safe and moved things back, I got the window up and we all ducked out as they began to knock on the door. John B went out and to the right and I went to the left. JJ came out and went to the left with me and we closed the window. John B watched as they entered the room. I was on the very edge of the little ledge we were standing on. JJ had his arm around me pulling me as close to him as possible.

I looked back and forth between the two boys and John B reached up and put a finger to his lips. I looked up at JJ and he smiled down at me. I reached around to put an arm around his waist to give myself more balance. As I reached around my hand hit something hard. The object fell from his waist band and tumbled to the ground, hitting the dumpster below us as it went. We panicked from the noise and pushed ourselves closer to the wall, if that were even possible. I shut my eyes tight, fisted JJ's shirt, and held my breath.

Seconds passed. It felt like minutes. I got the courage to open my eyes. I looked over at John B who finally got the courage to look back into the room. I saw him relax which meant they were either leaving or gone. I relaxed against JJ and took a breath and rested my head against his chest.

"They're gone. Let's go", John B said and pulled back from the wall.

We turned and looked down. We could easily climb down and jump off the edge and on to the dumpster and then to the ground. We just had to wait for the cops to leave the parking lot. We waited until Pope and Kiara started waving us to come on, which meant the coast was clear. JJ and John B went first. JJ made it all the way to the ground and found what had fallen. It was the gun from the safe. He stuck it back in his pocket. John B made it down to the dumpster and waited for me. He grabbed on to me while I jumped from the edge to the dumpster, then he jumped to the ground.

JJ was right there waiting as John B jumped. He grabbed my waist and I placed my hands on his shoulders and he helped me down, "Thanks", I told him.

"Anytime", he winked.

"Alright boys lets get the hell outta dodge and back to the pogue", I told them already heading in that direction.

The three of us made our way back to the boat. John B and I hopped on and JJ untied us and pushed us off jumping on at the last second. We all took our places on the boat as we headed back towards the docks. I sat next to JJ at the front of the boat.

"Well that was exciting", I huffed.

"Why didn't you warn us sooner?", John B asked Pope and Kie.

"Because Pope was on the math team", she said rolling her eyes and looking over at him,

"You were on the math team?", JJ questioned.

"The cops cleaned out that room like it was a crime scene, did you guys find anything?", Pope asked us.

"Did we find anything?", JJ repeated with a smirk and reached into his pockets and pulled out a gun and wad of cash, "Yeah we found something!"

"What the hell?", Pope said coming up to us to get a better look.

"Dude, what?", Kie freaked.

"Dude, chill. Come on", JJ said standing up and meeting Pope halfway.

"Why did you take that from a crime scene? Are you crazy?", he snapped.

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