Part 20

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We all piled in the van and took off towards the air strip with no time to waist. JJ, Pope, and I were in the back and John B was in the front with Kie. JJ was loading his gun and throwing out his version of a game plan.

"We go in there, guns a blazin, make Ward Cameron beg for mercy, abscond with a much gold as possible and vamonos, get the hell out of there."

Pope was nodding along with it as he went on and then John B spoke up, "Down the intracoastal."

"Wait for weather", Kie added.

"Exit to Cuba", Pope smiled.

"Cuba?", JJ scoffed, "Nah man, Xcalak, Jewel of the Yucatan. Lobsters so thick, mangoes, and no word for money."

"Guys that can be practical?", I challenged, "Ward isn't just gonna hand over that money and it's gonna be a lot harder than sneaking in and taking it."

"Have some faith baby", JJ smirked at me.

"It's not faith I lack JJ", I told him.

"It'll be alright Y/n/n", John B assured me as he looked at me through the rear view mirror, "Let's just do this shit. We'll wing it", he winked.

"We're all gonna die, or end up in jail", I sighed and leaned back against the van door.


Once we got to the air strip John B pulled up along the fence. Since it was a private air strip we couldn't just drive up in there without getting immediately caught. We all jumped out and ran up to the fence.

"What's the plan?", I asked.

"I don't think we actually got that far", Pope said.

"See that's exactly what I was talking about in the van", I huffed as I watched the boys pass binoculars back and forth.

"They're loading up the gold", JJ said as John B reached out and took the binoculars and looked for himself.

There was a horn that honked and we all looked over, "There's Ward", John B said as a black Range Rover came to stop.

We watched Ward get out and be greeted by a few air strip workers. John B kept watching through the binoculars a few minutes then he dropped them.

"John B?", I questioned, the look on his face was...devastation.

"It's Sarah", he mumbled.

I looked back over and saw familiar long blonde hair walking around the Range Rover.

"She's with him?", Pope asked.

I watched them walk around close to the plane as John B brought the binoculars back up. A few moments went by and the area started to clear. I looked back up at John B but then heard a faint yelp. I looked back through the fence and saw Sarah struggling against her dad.

"He's hurting her", John snapped.

"What?!", we all yelled.

"Holy shit!", Kie said taking the binoculars away from John B and looking for herself.

John B turned from the fence and went back to the van. I turned and watched him as he got in.

"John what are you doing?", I asked.

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