Part 16

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When I woke up, I was alone. I sat up and looked around. JJ was no longer with me in the room and I didn't hear any loud movements in the house. I jumped off John's bed and walked out into the living room. Pope was setting on the couch with a notepad and pen, staring intently.

"Pope?", I questioned as I ran my hand through my hair, "Where is everyone?"

Pope looked up at me in surprise, "Good you're up!"

"Where is everyone?", I asked.

He sat his stuff to the side, "We gotta go. John B and JJ need help. We gotta go get Kie. Code Red. JJ and John B conked out in the marsh."

"Why didn't you wake me up sooner?", I asked as I ran around looking for my shoes and stuff.

"JJ said to wait until you wake up", he shrugged and stood up.

I grabbed my bag and slipped on my sneakers and Pope and I ran down the dock to the Pogue. Pope started the Pogue and we drove off in the directions of The Wreck, I'm guessing that's where Kie went.

"What are they in, if they are in the Pogue?", I asked him.

"Dad's smaller fishing boat. We decided to see if we could fish a bigger haul and we bit it. We had the Pogue and the Bogie. They stayed back to see if they could fix it. Clearly no luck", he shrugged as he slowed, and we idled into the docking area.

"What happened after JJ and I went inside?', I asked him as I came to stand next to him.

"Kie and John B fought. Kie is hurt, but I don't blame her. Sarah is officially JB's girlfriend, and there is some tension right now", he admitted shyly.

"If John had been upfront with us all along, this wouldn't have happened", I said and slid one of my hands in my pockets.

We idled up to the end of the dock as Kie made her way down. I moved over to the side and held up to the dock until she was able to get on.

"What the hell is going on?", he demanded as she climbed on and I pushed off.

"JJ and JB conked out in the marsh. They need a tow", Pope told her.

"Uhh..Okay? What does that have to do with me?", she snapped.

Clearly, she was still a little pissed from earlier.

"They're our friends and they need our help Kie", I told her as I went to set at the front.

Kiara shot me a look, "They did this to themselves."

"We need you both for mechanical", Pope said trying to defuse the tension Kiara created.

"Mechanical?", Kie half laughed, "Fine, whatever."

She walked to the back and took a seat and the rest of our ride to the marsh was rather quiet. The tension in the air quickly dissipated and was replaced with the breeze and smell of the ocean water. A feeling I would take any day.

The ride to them in the marsh was about 25 minutes. By the time we got to them the sun was starting to set. I saw the boat coming into view and the closer we got the more I started moving round ready to tie off to the Bogie. However, I didn't see John B or JJ anywhere on deck.

"Where are they?", I asked.

"Probably in the cab", Pope shrugged as we idled up and I tied us off.

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