Part 11

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The next morning, I woke up inside on the pull out with JJ. I sat up and looked around. The house was quiet. I slipped out of bed and went into the kitchen and got a bottle off water from off the counter, there was still no power in the Cut. I went and changed and waited for everyone to wake up and do the same. JJ, of course, was the last one awake and I had to wake him up by basically dumping his ass in the floor, which he wasn't to happy about. Once we were all up and dressed, Kie, JJ and I piled into my Jeep with the drone and headed towards Hayward's, while John B and Pope took the Pouge and would meet us there. We were going to borrow Pope's dads because the Pogue would never make it to the edge of the shelf.

Once we got to Hayward's we all piled out of the Jeep and made our way down to the dock. Pope had gotten the spare key from inside, while JJ and John B lugged the drone from the Jeep down to the boat and just like that we were on our way. It was supposed to storm later which mean our time was now. It was usually super clam before it stormed which is the kind of water, we needed to make this work. JJ was in charge of driving the boat, John B was giving direction, Pope and I were working the drone and Kie was handling the tether.

As soon as we hit open water Pope and I started setting up. Pope handled the drone while I handled the monitor and making sure it was connected and giving a clear picture. Once we were ready to go, I moved inside with JJ. I walked up and wrapped my arms around his waist and peaked over his arm to give him a smile.

"Hey darlin", he smiled down at me and then looked back out at the water.

We stayed like until John B called out, "All right, JJ. Pin it here."

"Roger that! X marks the spot", he called back, and I let go of him and went back out and stood next to Pope.

"Alright ladies and gentleman", John B said as he picked up the drone, "To going full Kook", he smiled wide as he launched the drone in to the water.

We all watched the drone sink and once it was out of sight, we all went to our stations. Pope grabbed the joystick and John B grabbed his GPS, "All right, JJ. We're right over it. Ten seconds northwest."

"Got it!", JJ called out and repeated what John B last said.

I was a good thing that I was only in charge of making sure the monitor worked because I kept looking over at JJ and I can't lie when I say the boy was a distraction. He was so focused on what he was doing. I couldn't see his face, but I could just tell. He would occasionally look back and he would automatically find me, and I would smile, and he would wink at me.

"One hundred feet", Kie called out.

"Only 800 more to go", I chuckled to Joh B, which caused him to smile.

I moved to go back in with JJ when Pope gasped. I quickly turned to see John B looking at the monitor and saying", What? What? What?"

Pope gave a sigh of relief, "It was nothing."

"Don't do that!", John B said disappointed.

I kept moving towards JJ as he turned to Pope and said, "Come on bro! Don't do that to me!"

"My bad! I just thought I saw something", he apologized.

I went to stand next to JJ and we heard Pope call out, "To quote The Hobbit, "Down, down, to Goblin Town. Down, down we go my lads."

I shook my head at Pope. He was such a lovable nerd. Kiara kept calling out the number of feet we hit as we hit it. We were at 400 right now. JJ kept turning the boat to keep us in position as the water pushed us around. The calm water was starting to pick up and there was thunder in the distance.

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