☀︎ chapter 8 ☀︎

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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

The start of freshman year came around at Shiritorizawa Academy. Tendou being offered the volleyball scholarship, he was already part of the infamous Boy's Volleyball Team. Coach Washijo had been eyeing on her skills and allowed her to be one of the managers of the Boy's Volleyball Team.

It was breaking news for the seniors that someone like Aiya to be there. But they had kept their distance because a certain red-hair male wouldn't stop being around her. The seniors took it as a message that she was hard to approach if Tendou was there.

"Tendou!" The 3rd- year manager's voice rang throughout the gymnasium. "How many times do I have to tell you? Don't jump just on your hunch!" There it goes, another soon-to-be lecture from the manager.

"But I've scored a ton of points just on my hunches." Tendou shrugged at the manager. Aiya closed her notebook and went to retrieve the water bottles for the other teammates. Glancing at the other players, they knew it was about to come up.

"That's not going to happen all the time. There are limits to individual skills." She reasoned hoping that would stop Tendou stop jumping at his own hunches.

"There's no point if you don't feel good now." And that comment ticked off the manager, resulting in the practice to end early. Aiya sighed at the sidelines knowing Tendou would make a comeback.

It was another practice that came to an end and everyone was cleaning up the gym. Just as Tendou was about to walk out of the gym, he overheard a conversation from two of his teammates in the gym storage room.

"Practice always stops when Tendou's around, though it's nice to be able to rest." One said while placing the volleyball in its original spot.

"Or rather, Tendou's sort of scary. You never know what he's thinking." His companion added on which made his friend agree.

"Sa-kun, are you okay?" Snapped out of his thoughts, he turned to Aiya who was standing next to him. She was carrying the nearly folded volleyball net in her hands.

Aiya was fully aware of how Tendou was being treated. He wouldn't admit to his girlfriend because he never wants her to be brought into the issue. Just like what happened in Elementry School. "I'm fine Ai-chan, do you want me to help you with that?" He quickly changed the topic.

"Sa-kun, I know what's going on. You don't need to cover it up." Aiya spoke up. "But I don't want you to get involved with it. You know that." Tendou countered. "So what if I got myself involved, that will be my fault then not yours. I can't let you harm yourself and continue to think it is okay."

It was the same topic that would relapse every time they would talk. But Aiya wasn't sick of it. She knew that it was Tendou thinking harshly of himself and she wants to change that. "Sa-kun, on the weekends, do you want to go on on a date? It's been a month ever since we got in Shiratorizawa." She offered hopefully that will cheer him up.

"Oh ho~ A date? I think that would be something to look forward to." Just then the boys walked out of the storage room. "Well I have to put this away and talk to Coach Washijo so I'll text you later." Aiya waved before heading into the storage room.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

The following day, Tendou was called to the interview room after school due to his actions towards the third-year manager. She came to Coach Washijo with a complaint and said that Tendou should be kicked off of the team.

"I... Just want to play volleyball that makes me feel good." Tendou stared at the floor. He never thought this would come to his volleyball career.

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