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I look him in the eye as he lies to me once again. I don't know how he can stand here and say he loves me, he'll never hurt me again, and that it was a mistake, yet do it all over again.
"I'm done Thomas " I finally yell. That fainted attention from a few people passing by. I could see a few had cameras out and were recording us. He might be a regular civilian but my name was very well known around the world.
"Please don't say that Jasmyn, I can't live without you" he pleaded.
" Yet you've been doing just fine with all the other girls. I think they can keep you alive as well" I said before turning on my heals and walking away from him.
Two years. I wasted two years being with someone who never loved me, who was never there, who only cared about his own needs.
I could still hear him calling after me and I just wanted to escape from it. Escape the voice that made empty promises to me, so I ran. I ran down the street not really sure of where I was going but I needed to get away.
I didn't feel my legs growing tired or the tears running down my face but I did feel my body collide with another.
"I'm so sorry, that was on me I wasn't watching where I was going " I apologize but kept my gaze on the sidewalk.
"That's alright, you look like you're in a rush and no harm was done" said the person. I looked up at them and was immediately met by sapphire blue eyes. It's already dark out so that's probably why they look so dark.
The boy had a worried look on his face but I didn't understand why.
"You're crying, are you hurt, were you running from someone, do you need me to call anyone?" He rushed out so many questions at once. It was hard to make out everything he was saying.
" I was running from someone but they only hurt me emotionally so don't worry."
"Are you sure you're okay though" he asked. I could see he was still worried about me but I don't understand why. He didn't even know who I was.
"Yeah I'm fine but any chance you know exactly where we are" I said while looking at my surroundings. I don't recognize any of it.
"I do know and I can help you find your way back home if you'd like" he offered.
"Are you actually a serial killer who will stalk me when you find out where I live then kill me" I said mostly joking but also a little worried by the fact that he was a total stranger.
"I'm not a serial killer, just Daniel" he said and put his hand out.
"Jasmyn, also not a serial killer" I said while shaking his hand.
"Good then neither of us are dying tonight. Now tell me about this idiot who hurt you emotionally."
"Well it's very simple, he's a cheater."
" I've had my fair share of those kind of girls, not really a fan of them" he said as we walked down the street. I agree with him on that and look around at the scenery. It was beautiful with the street lights but also had a chilling affect. There was hardly anyone in the area and no cars drove by.
"Where exactly do you live so I don't get you even more lost" he said.
"82nd street. I'm not really sure if that is close by or not."
"You're in luck because it's a five minute walk. My friend Jonah lives there too. It's a big bright blue house, kinda hard to miss."
"The one with the weird purple flowers in the front of the house" I asked.
"That's the one and the weird purple flowers are called leather flowers. They're beautiful when they bloom."
"Good to know and your friend lives right across the street from me."
"Also good to know, maybe I'll be seeing you more often then" he said with a slight smirk.
"Yeah and your friends who are constantly playing basketball in the street then yelling at each other when you think someone is cheating."
"We are a very passionate group of guys" he says defensively.
"You're something alright" I mumbled.
"I'll take that as a compliment" he said as we turned to walk down a street. I looked up and saw the sign with 82 in bold white numbers displayed on it.
"How did we get here so fast" I thought out loud.
"Time flies when you're enjoying the moment" he says.
"Why does almost everything you say sound like you're flirting."
"I actually get that a lot. I'm not flirting though, I'm just really nice. Plus, you just got out of a messed up relationship so I wouldn't hit on you after that. I'm not saying I wouldn't hit on you in general, you're actually very beautiful but with the situation, I'm actually just going to shut up now." I laughed at his ramble and looked down as we continued to walk.
"Well here's Jonah's house so that one must be yours" he says causing me to look up. I look across the street and see my home, the one place I have wanted to be all day.
"Yeah it is, thank you for walking me back. I guess I'll be seeing you around" I said before looking both ways and crossing the street. Safety first.
I quickly unlocked my door and sighed when I stepped in. I softly shut the door behind me and just stood there, unsure of what to do with myself now.

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