Chapter 7

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Waking up at seven in the morning just for an interview is not what I had imagined when I posted my first YouTube video of me doing a cover. I had to force myself out of bed so I could get dressed. I went downstairs and to the backyard to see how the weather was. It was getting close to autumn so it had gotten a bit chilly. I went back to my room and chose my outfit. It was a wine red shirt with a black leather jacket. I chose dark denim jeans and finished the outfit with black and white converse. My stylist team hate when I wear them but still allow it so I won't complain my feet hurt. They always put me in heels because they think if I look tall, I'll be more intimidating. 

I grab my cross body purse and put my wallet in it. I put my phone in my back pocket and go downstairs. I grab a water from the fridge then walk over to the mirror I have hanging near my door. I check my hair once more before heading out. As I'm walking to my car, I see Zach hurrying out of Jonah's house. He didn't seem happy. He looks up and sees me from across the  street. He gives me a small wave before running over. It was still early so there wasn't many people out yet. 

"Is there a reason you are out this early" he asked.

"I have a job to do and I should be asking you the same."

"I came over to Jonah's late last night so he just let me stay" he said as he looked back at the house.

"Are you okay Zach, you don't look like you have slept much?"

"I'm okay, it was just a rough night after Kay stormed off. Don't blame yourself for that either, she just gets a bit worked up. Plus, I'm convinced you have a thing for Daniel."

"I do not have a thing for Daniel, I don't have a thing for anyone. The night I met Daniel, I had literally ran into him after running from my now ex-boyfriend. I just have to be on my own for now."

"That's understandable and I'm sorry, I didn't know you use to be in a relationship."

"Well it isn't something you bring up when you first meet someone, now if you'll excuse me I have to go to work."

Zach chuckled and said "I'll see you later Jasmyn." I got in my car as Zach walked away. I kept thinking about what he had said about blaming myself. I did blame myself because I knew how it felt to be in her situation but I never reacted like that. I never did anything and that might have been why it went on for so long. There group is close so I can't really keep my distance from Zach or any of them really. Jonah lives across the street and it would be wrong just to cut off Daniel for no reason. 

I shake myself out of my thoughts and start my car. I check behind me before backing out of my driveway. I knew where the interview location was because I had been there before. It was set up in a hotel downtown. I hated going downtown because the media always gets pictures of me when I do go there. A few of them have been quite embarrassing but at least two were due to the wind. 

When I get to the hotel, there was already a few paps outside which I didn't understand. I hadn't said anything about the interview and I asked my management to not mention to the media where I would be unless it was important. A interview is not important so the people hosting it must have called them to get a bit more money from it. 

I keep my head down as I run into the hotel; two of my security guards were waiting by the door so they kept the paps back. The flashes were blinding so it took a second for my sight to return to normal once I got inside. My manager Amelia quickly came up to me to make sure I was okay.

"I promise that we did not call them or why anyone did. We know you don't like this kind of attention all of the time" she explained as we walked to the elevator.

"I signed up for this and I never try to make an effort to hide in public anyways." The ride up was silent after that but was broken when the small ding went off when we reached our floor.

"Okay so the interview is live and I'm not sure what they are going to ask you but I told them nothing too personal or overbearing" Amelia explained. She was always looking out for me.

"So they're being secretive with their content, that always ends great" I said sarcastically.

 "I know, I don't like these guys either but they have a big platform and have about fifty percent of your fan base watching them." 

I nod my head to show that I understand and walk into the hotel room that we were having the interview in. I was quickly bombarded by my makeup and hair team. They're good people but take the job very serious so I don't get to talk to them much. They just throw stuff on my face and spray my hair before walking away. Someone from our team put a mic on me before telling me to go sit on the couch in the corner. I had to blink a few times for my eyes to adjust to all the lights they had illuminating the small corner. The interviewer soon came and sat down but she didn't say anything to me. 

They gave her the thumbs up showing we were live so she quickly put on a fake smile and began talking. I seriously hate this business sometimes.

"Welcome back everyone, today we have an old friend with us" she said with excitement in her voice. Yeah sure, old friend. I smiled at the camera before she continued.

"Today we will be discussing potentially new music, music already released and most importantly" she said before reaching over the side of the couch and pulling out a photo" who these people are." 

I looked at the photo and saw it was last night at the bonfire. Oh shit. I look over at Amelia for help but she looked nervous as well. I was sitting very close to Daniel in the photo and I know they could easily twist it into something more if I say the wrong thing. There was more than one photo though, there was a stack of them on the table. Now I remember one of the reasons I don't make friends.

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