Chapter forty five

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My eyes widened when I heard Evan shout from the living room. How come he is so early today?

I saw my door knob getting twisted, accompanied by a small click then the door creaked open revealing Evan with a big smile plastered on his face.


I scowled automatically at the sight of him.

"Ever heard of knocking, Williams?" I snapped.

"Nope!" He chirped.

I closed the book I was reading and crossed my arms, giving him a stern look. "Why are you so early?" I barked.

"Aw, you are feisty today." He cooed. "Can I not come home early to spend time with my little muffin?"

"No." I deadpanned. "Working hours are working hours, Williams. You do not cut slack on it."

He smirked. "But I'm the boss. I choose when to stay and when to leave."

"Whatever." I mumbled. "I want pineapple ice cream."

He chuckled and went out of my room to get my ice cream. I am fifteen weeks pregnant, damn moody, feisty and always craving pineapple ice cream. Evan's words not mine.

Evan entered my room holding a bucket of ice cream.

"Will you ever knock?" I shouted.

He gave me a blank look and then said, "No."

I rolled my eyes, snatched the bucket from his grasp and started licking the ice cream from the spoon.

"Can I get a spoon?"


He lowered his head in remorse and sat in front of me, watching me finish my cravings.

"All good?" He asked as I took my last lick. Satisfied, I nodded my head. "Something amazing happened today. I ran into one of my old friends, Jacques. He was an exchange student back in high school and he has invited us to a..." I frowned when he took a pause, excitement shining in his eyes.

"A what?"

"A party!" He flung his arms up in the air.

Something happened to my heart when he said 'party'. I have been to four parties in my entire life. First one was my Fresher's party in college. I had to attend that party only to make my appearance to the other students, but in reality I was just sipping my fruit punch in the corner. I was still traumatized by the events which had happened back in my senior year of high school. The rest of the three parties I attended were for Thomas. Of course, I remember how all of these parties with him ended. Him and I, on the bed, sucking each other's faces and giving each other the taste of pleasure.

"No. I'm not going to any party. You can go alone and enjoy yourself." I said flatly and opened my book to read.

"But he invited both of us." He whined like a four year old child. "I want to go with you."

"I said no!" I shouted. "I would like you to leave me alone, Williams."

"Come on, Maria, it'll be fun. You need to get out of these four walls. You have been cooped up in it for weeks."

"I happen to like these four walls." I muttered annoyingly.

Dropping like a dead man on my bed, Evan groaned in frustration then suddenly faced me with a smirk.

"You are coming with me." He declared, "Did you not say that you wanted to live life?" My eyes widened in shock. I can't believe he is using my own words on me. "Going to parties is the best way to live. Have fun, socialize and you know, loosen up for a bit."

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