The Cruel Reality (EXO & BTS Fanfic) Chapter 35 [Infiltration]

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Chapter 35-

Seiren's POV-

"Aren't you..." I tried to reach that person.

"The waitress?"

"Yes?" That girl turned around.

"Oh's nothing actually. Do you remember me?"

"From the thought of it, you were in the cafe weren't you?"

"Yes, that's me."

"Well, it is a coincidence for us to meet again."

"Yeah, it sure is...umm, may I know...your name?"

" name is Choi Aila."

"Wait...Aila...Choi Aila...."

"Is there...something wrong?"

"Do you still remember me? Look closely at my face, do you recognize me?" I asked eagerly.

She squinted, tying to remember. Then her eyes widened.

"Seiren? Lee Seiren?!"

"Shhhh....yes, it's me!" I whispered.

"OMG! It's been so long ago!" She whispered back.

"Yes it really've turn prettier.

"Thanks, so did you."

"Seiren, who is that tall guy walking behind you? He seems to be heading your way."

"Chanyeol...what are you doing here?" I turned to look at him.

"I came to check on you, I surely can't risk to let my fiancée get hurt can I?" He smirked.

"Urghh...." I turned back to Aila.

"Yah! What're you-" I complained as Chanyeol wrapped his arm around my waist.

"This here, is my fiancée. And my name is Chanyeol, nice to meet you. A friend of Seiren?"

"Yes, yes I am. Nice to meet you. Seiren really is lucky to have a guy like you, she should treasure you a lot. By the way, congrats."


"Hear that?" Chanyeol asked.

"Of course I do! I'm just really bad at showing it, that's all..." I replied blushing.

"Hehe, you were really different from the time I remembered you. Always so serious, I never thought you would find love. But that was the past."

"Yeah...I never expected that to happen until this guy came into my life."

"Life is full of surprises my friend, and it'll never run out.'s life?"

"Cruel and hard, but it isn't that bad if people are supporting you."

"I see....Oh umm, sorry. I gotta get going now, see you guys later!" Aila said running off.

"Like I always say, it's a small world."


Baekhyun's POV-

"We are currently searching around, and there is no unusual activity happening."

"Me too, this place is empty. Every one should have already entered the building." Sehun replied.

"Ok, the infiltration will be starting soon. One of you come in and back us up, come in quick before it's too late. We don't want to get suspected." Seiren ordered.

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