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Louisa's p.o.v

As I fly around I notice Sam fighting side by side with Raph as they fight Newtralizer, Slash is taking down Kraang as he runs around. That's when I noticed Donnie - he was running on a crate with some type of weapon in hand. "Here goes.. nothing!" Donnie yells as he throws it, so I smirk and help him take down that part of the weapon. I used my ice powers to freeze it stiff, so it made it blow up with his weapon too, so I smile big. "Yes!" I yell happily as I dance around in the air "thanks!" Donnie says happily, so I glare at him.

"Sorry, the hypocrite shouldn't help someone, I was just trying to take down that laser!" I yelled hurt, remembering the stuff he said to me. Donnie was about to say something, when I felt kicked as someone jumped on the weapon. Screaming I try to fly again, but I didn't get a chance as I feel myself land in someon's chest. We both groan and I notice it was Donnie "sorry about... that" I get out as I roll off of him. "I kind of deserved that for earlier, I'm sorry that I said that you're a hypocrite, Louisa."

I look at him and raise my mask up asking "really??" He nods his head "yes, because I was just being stupid, thinking that you made us lose someone that could help. When I should've been caring that you were almost killed by rubble" Donnie says and hugs me. I smile and hug back, but the crate explodes because of the weapon, so we scream as we fly through the air. Before we hit a crate I make soft and thick snow pile so our landing could be soft when we land. We groan as we slide down "you could make those things softer, ya know" Donnie says hurt.

Groaning I say "that was soft.... the snow was just thick" I slide all the way with my shell on the ground as I just look up at the sky. "Do you really think they need our help??" I ask as I still lay here, Donnie sits up while looking down at me. "Of course! We're dealing with Kraang, Slash and Newtralizer! Three tough enemies, Louisa. Let's get back out there-" "but what was helpful?? I'm just saying, you only blew up something that helped Newtralizer. I helped you do that and helped Kraang get out of his way to get up there too" I interrupt as I sit up slowly.

With that I put my mask back down, but he makes me look at him "Louisa, we are both members of this team, so we should help instead of just sitting here." Sighing I nod once and he runs while I fly up to the machine, seeing that they're being aimed at the guys. My eyes widen as I see that Sam is also down there with all of my turtle family, so I growl at this. "Newtralizer! I got a bone to pick with you!" I yell and fly up to his guns and freeze them solid. With that I made a big ice pick and aimed it towards the frozen guns, making them both shatter.

"Leave me alone!" "Goongala!" Casey yells as little explosion go off by Newtralizer before he could do anything to me at all. "Casey? You're back??" Both me and Raph ask while looking at him, I then remember that Newtralizer is in a weapon. I guess I missed a few guns as he's still shooting at us, he actually kicked me down to the ground. The kick made me skid a bit back by where those guys were cornered "Louisa!" Donnie says worriedly. I get picked up and set into someone's lap, barely opening my eyes I see Donnie is holding me.

"Th-Thanks... for worrying, Don" I get out before I groan a bit in pain "everything's okay.... it's all okay" Donnie says as he grabs my right hand. With that I start getting my left one to freeze a bit and motion to it, just so he'd know what to do. "O-Okay, I think I understand" Donnie says as I felt my forearm get grabbed and gently set over my abdomen. My pain started to slowly fade away as I gasp loudly and stop my powers and smile big "I'm good. Thanks-" "oh thank goodness!" Donnie says and pulls me in for a hug, I smile and laugh a bit.

We stop hugging, but I don't move as we look up at the weapon to see that it's smoking as Newtralizer tries to teleport away. "Yeah!" Casey yells before the thing explodes quickly, so Donnie pulls me close to him protectively. Once the explosion is done we look up and smile as Donnie stands up and helps me stand upright. We all start to celebrate a bit as Sam started celebrating with Mikey and Leo as I stayed by Donnie's side. I laugh as I float up in the air and twirl around a bit, making ice crystals fall as I do so.

My little moment of being happy starts to cease itself as I float back down and on a crate as I smile and look over the town. Lights start to go on, as the moon is also high above.... I smile as I look at it and hear someone land behind me. "If you think this is a good view, wait til I show ya this one rooftop sometime" Donnie says as he holds his hand out to me. Accepting his help up we smile and see the others already walking away, so we look at eachother. "We really should catch up with them" I say and was about to jump down, but he stopped me.

"Wait..." Donnie says, so I look at him "yeah??" "Did you really mean that kiss?? The one you did after our last mission?" Donnie asks with a blush. "I'm surprised that you didn't stutter while asking that, Donnie" I say playfully, which made him blush darker. "W-Well, I'm a cool guy" Donnie says while pointing his thumbs at himself with his gap-toothed smile. I laugh a little "you're not really all that cool" he frowns, so I say "because I don't go for cool. If I did I would've went for Raph or Casey by now, cool isn't my type Don" I finally jump down.


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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