▪️xavier. a▪️

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[ Xavier Rolf Andrews || 21 || bisexual || supernatural hunter || ikomilo ]

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[ Xavier Rolf Andrews || 21 || bisexual || supernatural hunter || ikomilo ]

he is very good at what he does, and he's one of the best hunters in town. he doesn't like to kill anyone, good or evil, without a reason to do so. to keep up to date, he's always training and learning new things from his elders, but he would always arrange time for friends or a lazy day with his step sister Skye. he is very persistent when it comes to his job, and he hates failing no matter how challenging the job is. he trusts his gut instincts, and he is alright right most of the time; he is cold and blunt and secretive, but he is a gentleman at heart.

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