▫️river. s▫️

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[ River Ottoman Stoll || 25 || straight || supernatural hunter and model || single ]

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[ River Ottoman Stoll || 25 || straight || supernatural hunter and model || single ]

both him and his sister, caitlyn, we brought up in a poor situation. and with his sister being deaf, their parents always put their money on her for her medical treatments, which he doesn't mind because he loves her dearly. even though his parents could barely put food on the table, his father still taught him how to hunt supernaturals while his sister was taught how to paint by their mother. their son was a natural with getting people's attention, so they scrapped up every penny they have and got him a manager. 5 years later, all of them live together in a huge home, and they comfortably live as he learns how to hunt the supernatural like his forefathers did from his father. apparently, he's a natural at that too. he is very determined and can be very cold when he needs to, but he is honestly a good guy just doing his job. He isn't a man who follows the traditional ways of romantic, but he shows his affects in his own way.

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