▫️troye. m▫️

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[ Troye Jayson Mariano || unknown || bisexual || vampire || single ]

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[ Troye Jayson Mariano || unknown || bisexual || vampire || single ]

both his parents and him lived in poverty until they were brought into one of the most powerful vampire clans. he fell in love with a girl, and they both accidentally had a child. unfortunately, his lover died in labor, leaving him with their child, which he named Romeo. after her death, he distance himself from the clan and requested to live out in the open, and his elders agreed because they knew how much her death really killed whatever happiness in him. now he works in one of the biggest companies that generate the most money, taking care of his son and trying to live life as best as he could. he's a quiet man who pretends to be happy for his son, since he didn't want to let him feel his sadness while he  as growing up. No matter how long he's been walking on this planet, he never forgot his gentleman morals

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