▫️asher. l▫️

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[ Asher Julian Louise || unknown || bisexual || vampire || single ]

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[ Asher Julian Louise || unknown || bisexual || vampire || single ]

he is from Austria; that's all he remembers besides his name. he traveled around the world, learning about his new life and trying to build a new life. now he works as a policeman and lives in a NYC penthouse; he also has a puppy named Chocolate who is enchanted to be reborn like a phoenix every 10 years. But even with all that happening to him, he is all around a nice guy, if you don't get on his bad side. If he's on good terms with you, he'll help you out no matter what the problem is. But if you get on his bad side, he'll do everything in his power to make you suffer as much as he did.

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