1. Hell with the siblings

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Anuhya's Point of view:

Everyone is congratulating me as I got placed in Amazon. My friends and family members are super proud of me. My aim came true. I got job now. I am super happy. Suddenly, I don't know why I am shivering and feeling cold. When I opened my eyes, I saw my brother with an evil smirk and a small bucket in his hands. I got up from my bed, took my water bottle and started chasing him.

Anu - 'I am going to kill you Dhruv'.
Dhruv - 'Catch me if you can'.
Anu - 'That was such a lovely dream and you spoiled it'.
Dhruv - 'Stop dreaming and start working you brainless potato'.
Anu - 'Brainless potato?. Okay let me show you what this brainless potato can do'.

In the garden area, I caught Dhruv and I spilled the water from my bottle. Suddenly he bent down and our gardener com helper to my mom 'Sushila Aunty' came and the water got spilled all over her saree. Dhruv was having an evil smirk. I told my apologies to Aunty and started chasing Dhruv who is running towards kitchen.

Anu - 'Enough is enough Dhruv. Come here and take your kota'.
Dhruv - 'Ma! see this ugly child of yours. She sleeps till 8'0 clock forgetting about her college. I went and woke her up and instead of thanking me, this is how she is behaving for disturbing her sleep'.
Anu - 'Dhruv tell mom how you woke me up' (I shouted in anger).
Mom - ' Anu stop yelling at Dhruv. I am the one who told him to wake you up. Did you forget that today is your first semester(in final year) results day? Stop all this and go get ready'.
Dhruv - 'If you still want to fight with me, I am okay with it. But I am not going to take you to the college. If you want lift, go, get ready with in half an hour' (with a smirk).

I said okay and stomped my right foot and left to my room which is upstairs. I took bath and wore a simple baby pink chudidhar. I applied kajal, lipbalm and braided my hair and came down. 

Mom was arranging the dinning table for our breakfast and dad was sitting on sofa reading a newspaper

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Mom was arranging the dinning table for our breakfast and dad was sitting on sofa reading a newspaper. My dear devil brother is into his mobile as he is done with his breakfast. I greeted my father and started having my breakfast.

Dhruv - 'Ma, I am leaving within five minutes. Ask your daughter to eat fast'.
Anu - 'Aah Dhruv, let me eat, you piggy'.
Dhruv - 'Okay you eat. I am leaving bye' (with an evil smirk).
Anu - 'God! Siblings are literally devils'.

Thank god! Today is idli, I am done with my breakfast. Went to mom dad and took their blessings. I took my phone, my baggit sling bag and came out of our house. My devil is on his bike and is waiting for me. I went there and sat on the bike and bid bye to my mom & dad.

Now we are waiting for the green signal. I am looking at my watch restlessly as it is getting late for college. Signal changed to green and my brother was about to start, I have seen an old woman facing trouble to cross the road. I got down and went to her, helped her in crossing the road. She thanked me and I touched her feett for her blessings. All this while, I felt someone's gaze on me but I ignored it. I came back and we started to our college.

Who is watching Anu? Is someone trying to kidnap Anu or is someone attracted to her? To know further, let us wait till tomorrow.

Hi guys! How are you all doing? How is the first chapter ? Hope you guys liked it. 

with smile,


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